Adopted By Patrick Stump....

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Hi, my name is Payton Adams. Im 13 years old. Im a girl with hearing loss, salt problem {body doesnt obsorse right, so i take salt pills} , asmtha , and i have a depression. im differnet from other girls. I like differnet things. i like boy stuff. like basketball shorts, guy shirts , guy shoes, GUY EVERYTHING! i like the color blue, i act like a boy and think like one to. and yes! i like bisexual.. that means i like girls [a lot] and boys [not so much]. it doesnt bother me at all but it bothers the ones i like. i flurt with girls and they dont like it... im a kid that lives in a freaking adoption center. my parents died with i was 3 in a car crash , when i was at my friends house. my parents didn't have siblings , so i dont have anuts and uncles...or grandparents they died with i was a baby. Anyways i live in a adoption center with my best friend Dallon Keys. i been here for 10 years and Dallon has been here for 7 years. i got put in his room with i was 10 because no other girls wanted to be around me...Dallon is my only friend and im is only friend too. he ok that im bi. he had a sister that was that way before she died with his parents in a house fire. he was the only survier. so me and him share a room together. we both like the same things. like Fall out boy, Panic! at the dico, Awolnation, Parmore, Patrick Stump, Maroon 5, Imagine Dragons. We listen to music A LOT. We both are kinda Emo but at the sametime we are not. We both like to wear skinny jeans and band shirts , basketball shirts and shorts, hoodies and coats to hide our scars from where we cut [depression is at the both of us], Nike hightops too. We are like brothers to be exacted. even though im a girl so yeah. thats about me. NOW LET ME TELL YOU HOW I WAS ADOPTED BY PATRICK STUMP.

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