Time Has Come To Early (Patrick's Pov)

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Hi..... Umm well this is Patrick's Pov and there is going to be some Peterick! Yay! I hope you like it!

I woke in on the floor in pete's arms. Umm is this a dream? Nah. It... It can't be. I moved out of pete's arms and stand up. I see payton's eyes glued to the Tv. She looks over at me.

"hey PattyCakes " she said laughing at the nickname Pete calls me.

" I'm sorry what was that? " I said a little mad but I'm not really. She notices my tone. She puts her head down and looks at her hands.

" morning dad" said Payton in a sorry tone. I laugh at little.

"I'm kidding kiddo. How are you? " I said hugging her.

She sighs." okay I guess "

" when does Dal and B. Come? " said Payton. She calls Bronx 'B'.

" soon. I'm going to go get tea and coffee for me and Pete. " I said she nods.

" wait dad?! " she said as I stopped in front of the door.

" What? " I said.

" do you mean Panda not Pete " she laughs. I chuckle.

" yeah I mean Panda. " I said. She is laughing a little still. I walk out and find a café in the hospital. Yeah the one here has cafés. I walk up and a mid 20s girl ask

" What can I get Ya, sir? "

" huh 1 green tea and 1 coffee. " I said.

" okay that $2.99, suger" she said.

I give her a $5 and she hands me my drinks and change.

I mumbled thanks and walked back to the room to see Pete in a chair, Payton in the bed, And her doctor sitting in a chair too.

"your mister Stump, right? " said the doctor. I nod and walk to Pete handing out his coffee.

" thanks " said Pete drinking the coffee.

I sit at the edge of Payton's bed.

" So we are going to start surgery in 2 hours. So that should be long enough for her family to come. " said the male doctor. I read his tag and it says 'Doctor Chase'.

I nod. Payton nods too. Then the doctor mumbled "okay then" and walked out. Payton was watching House M.D (and of course its the episode I played in) on the hospital TV and she seems pretty serious into the show. So I sit down beside Pete and watch it for about 15 mins. Then when I came on tv, I looked at Payton and she is smiling like crazy.

"Daddy! That's you! " she says laughing like a 5 year old.

" yeah PattyCakes that's you! " said Pete laughing with Payton. I laugh a little too and shake my head a little. Then Brendon, Dallon and Bronx walks in. Bronx runs to Pete and Dallon runs to Payton.

" hey Patrick? " said Brendon.

" Yea, B-den? " I said using his nickname.

" I need to talk to you for a quick sec. " he said walking out of Pay's room. I follow him.

" What wrong with Pay? " he said worried.

So I told him what's wrong with her. He nod and understood me. We walked back in and u look at my at my watch. We have 45 minutes left with her. So she spent that time playing with Bronx and Dallon.

Then Dr. Chase walks in and said it's time. She said bye to Dallon, Bronx, Pete, and Brendon. He rolled her bed out  of the room and I walked with them to watch the surgery. Before they gave her medicine to make her sleep. We hug and I kiss her cheek. She whispered in my ear,

"thanks for everything, Dad. I love you " I smiled at her and whispered "no thank you. I love you too Payton"

And with that she was in surgery.

5 hours later!!!

Payton's Surgery is complete and she is still alive. She is resting. When she was resting Dr. Chase gave me a paper with all the side effects from the surgery. I said thank you and he walked out. I read  the paper carefully. It says.

Side effects from brain surgery.

Memory loss

Depression worsen

Can't see colors

Hearing loss

Not able to focus easy

Death 60-70 years of age.


Can't walk or move or talk

I read the paper again. My daughter might have all of these or she may have one.

I watch Payton sleep for a few minutes. She going to be tired when she gets home.

3 more hours later!!!

I'm watching TV with Pete that came 1 hour ago and we are watching music video from MTV. We watch old to new videos. We watched the Young Blood Chronicles and some others too. I hum to the ones I know and Pete sometimes hums too. We watch for 10 more minutes and Pete stands up.

"I'm going to get some coffee do you want any? " said Pete.

" Yea I'll take some " I said looking at his dark Carmel colored eyes. He has pretty eyes. Wait did u just say that? no! You are not gay, Patrick! Are you sure you're not bi? Yes I'm..... I'm sure.... Okay maybe... Shut up. Hahaha.  Maybe you just have a thing with your best friend? Maybe. Now shut the hell up!

My thoughts are broken when Pete is walking back into the room with coffees. He hands me mine. "thanks Pete" I said in a kinda high pitch voice.

"your welcome " he drinks his coffee ",Patrick"  he said continuing his sentence. I smile and drink my coffee. Then a thought popped into my head and out my mouth. "hey Pete? Why was we on the floor sleeping together?"

"you don't remember what happened? " he said looking at me.

I shook my head "no but can you tell me?" he nods his head.

" You woke up and started to cry. You said that you had a nightmare. Then you asked me if you could sleep with me. Then you started to cry in my chest explaining your dream. You fell asleep in my chest and my arms rapped around you. "

My cheeks was red. I was blushing with and embarrassment.

" I mean it didn't matter to me. I enjoy the comfort. I did. I was having trouble sleeping anyways and you helped a lot by being beside me. I knew you would have trouble sleeping too if you weren't beside me. Haha like old times when we were younger and there was only two beds. We share and Joe and Andy shared one. I mean I'm used to it... Kinda it's been awhile. I kinda used to sleep alone. You don't have to be embarrassed or anything "

I nod and didn't say a word. I was to focus on how he said he enjoys me cuddling him or him cuddling me. That's better. Then Payton stated to move. Her eyes shut but she said

" it's so obvious that you two like each other. " she said opening her eyes and sitting up.

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