The Dream In The Car. Part 1

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I looked at Pete. He smiled at me. We talked for about 10 more minutes. Then Pete decided to not tell Patrick anything that happened.

"I'm going to go get 'Trick, okay? " said Pete going upstairs and into the room Patrick was in. I sit there and looked a my messed up arms. God I'm a Freak. I quickly roll my sleeves down to my fingers. Then Pete came down with Patrick following behind him. I got up from the couch and turn around. I put a small smile on for my father.

"hey Payton " said Patrick or dad.

" hey Patrick " I said walking over to them.

"so what did you guys do?" said patrick.

"just talked that's all, right Payton? " said Pete.

" yes, Peter " I said smiling.

" okay... Uh creepy...... Well I think me and Payton here is going to Joe's house. What do you think, Payton? " said Patrick looking at me.

I nod. "sounds fun" I said not really wanting to go but doing it for Patrick. To make him happy is one of my goals to a better life.

"great" said Patrick grabbing his phone from his back pocket and texting Joe I think.

"alright, I think we r going to head out of here, bye Pete, see you later " said Patrick giving Pete a hug. Pete smiles as Patrick hugs him. Pete seems to like Patrick a lot. How cute...... Peterick!

Then the next thing I knew a boy came running down stairs, yelling" Daddy!!!! " Pete let Patrick go to see what's Bronx's problem. Pete looks down at Bronx.

" What is it?, buddy " said Pete

Bronx put his hand out to Pete. It's a pick. A guitar pick. Bronx put holds it out to Pete. Pete takes it from the 5 year old boy and puts the pick in his pocket. Patrick pats my head lightly, trying not to hurt me and says "well Pete-o, I think Payton and I are going to go now, see you later."

"bye Patrick, bye Payton " said Pete give me a hug. As I huged back I whisper "thanks"

Pete nods his head and looks at me with a small smile. I let go of Pete and walk beside Patrick. Then Bronx attacks Patrick a hug.

"bye Patrick!! " said Bronx letting go of Patrick and then he attacks me with hug. I hug back and said

" goodbye Bronx. " with a smile on my face.

Then me and Patrick got in the car and drove off to Joe's house.

Here I am in a car with Patrick Stump and I'm listening to Panic! At The Disco. I'm looking at the window, seeing beautiful Chicago, IL. Then I start to dose off to slumber.


I'm at my old home from when my mom and dad was alive. I walk into the kitchen to see my mom. I smile.

"hey sweetie. You hungry? " said my mother. She is beautiful. She has green eyes and red hair. She is wearing a orange shirt and white jeans. She young. Like 23 young. Because that's the age she died at.

" mom? " I asked

" yes, PaytonLeah " she said using the nickname that she called me all the time. I smiled.

" where is dad? " I asked her wanting to see my dad.

" in the living room, sweetheart, you know that " she said laughing at me a little.

" now do you want something to eat, Payton? " she asked again. I shook my head and took off into the living room and found a 25 year old man sitting on the couch watching TV.

" Dad? " I said. The main with blonde hair and blue eyes looked at me. He smiled. It's him. My dad. He is wearing a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans. He pats the couch and i go over and sit beside him. He hugs me and kiss my temple.

" how are you Payton " said my father.

" okay I guess " I said.

" are you sure? " he said

I nod and laughed. He laughs a little too. Then a knock came to the door. My dad got up and opened it.

" Hello? " said my dad. I walk over to him and see some one I know but I can't think of.

" Payton? Your so small. " said the man with a hat.


So was up? It's Stef, your slow writer. XD sorry for the late Chapter. I have been very busy lately. Sorry this chapter is short too. There is 2 parts of this chapter so.

Comment on who you think is the man in the hat. Vote too please and thank you.

✌ (peace out) my little family of readers!! ILY!!

-SpotlightStump or Stef!

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