Hands Intertwine.

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Payton's Pov

I feel my arm hurt. I move it but the pain gets worse. I open my eyes to see it burning. I look up and see Declan smirking. His finger that is lit up with fire is on my arm. Burning me.

"Stop" I said moving my arm.

"No" he said. He moved his fingers to my hand.

"Ow, quite it! " I said louder. I moved my whole body to the other side of my bed.

Declan frowns." your no fun " he said.

" You was burning me, asshole! " I said.

" oh your fine! " he said and sat at the end of my bed.

Half-bloods are carefree till their human side guilts them. I remember reading in the book.

" you don't give a shit if I am hurt or not do you? " I said.

" eh. Not really. " he said.

" well would you at least be kind enough to get my wheel chair? " I asked him sitting at edge of my bad.

" What for? "

" I need my arm and hand healed so my dad doesn't think I did this to myself. " I said. I look at him glaring. His bright yellow eyes go to a bright green Color. I relax.

" can I see your arm? " he said. I was hesitant. But I gave it to him even though.

He hovers his hand over my wound. I watch my arm heal as well as my hand. The burns are gone. I look at Declan.

He smiles a loving smile. I my heart melts. I smile back. I didn't even notice that he was holding my hand. I look at our hands intertwine with each other. He blushes. As do I. We let go and looked at different directions. I looked in the corner of my eye and see him starring at me. I look at him and he blushes a dark color and looks away. Right now it love attractions in the air. Does this boy like me? Do I like him?

"you seem new at this, Miss. Adams " States Declan.

" So do you " I said smiling. He moves his hand on mine. He laces his with mine.

" Payton!! Who is this man! " said a voice I knew to well. Declan let's go.

" Patrick! This is Declan! My friend. Declan this is my father, Patrick. " I said fake smiling. Declan got up and shook hands with Patrick.

" Hello Declan! " said my father.

" Hello Mr. Stump. " said Declan politely.

" well it's a pleasure to meet you, but can I have a few minutes with Payton here? "

Declan nods and waves bye to me. I wave back at the green eyed boy.

Patrick sits at the edge of my bed and sighs.

" I'm going to start off with saying I'm sorry. I know I'm never around and the band and I are making a song that we want to put out on your birthday so we are trying to work faster. I'm sorry for being a horrible dad. "

The band is making a song for me? Really?

" It's okay, Patrick. Declan has been... Visiting me for awhile. To tell you the truth... He kinda like you.. Polite, smart, kind and caring. Funny sometimes too. He just like having you around but on teen form. " I said.

" how old is he? " said Patrick.

" Sixteen I think. " I said. Patrick gave me a concern look.

" okay.... Just be careful Payton. Please. " said Patrick.

I nod.

"I'll be visiting every other day okay. So you have some time to your self and for me and the band to finish the song." Patrick hugged me and kissed my  forehead.

"What is it called? " I asked him.

" Centuries "

" It sounds beautiful. " I comment.

" It's going going to be. " he said.

" that's good. How is you and Pete doing? "

" Good. He been good to me. I'm glad to have him. "

" Do you love him? " I asked him.

" Very. Very much, Payton. "

I'm happy that my father is happy with Pete. Pete has always had this affection for Patrick. Patrick do too.

" has Pete said that he loves you yet? "

" yes. "

" That's good. Maybe you guys and me and Bronx can be a family? "

" Maybe, Pay. "

I hope so.

Adopted by Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now