Hey, is it you?

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The picture above is what Felicity is wearing and I'm obsessed with this song but theme song click it above.

  Hey,is it you?

The day end which I was grateful for because I didn't want to see Weston... he made this fight between me and Hunter. I can't go a day without Hunter so I was going over his house in a hour.

I wish he knew how much I love him and care about him. But I know he doesn't like me he only likes me as best friend.

"Heyy Felicity" someone yelled from behind my back.

I already knew who it was.

"Heyy Rachel and Geo"

Rachel is like my sister to me she always had my back more than Maddie did both of them mean the world to me. She's dating Geo which is kinda weird for me because Geo is like my brother to me (foster brother to be exact).He lives with me and my mom because his parents died in a car crash when he was only 5 weeks old. My mom kinda adopt him and then she had me. I love Geo he promised me that no matter what happens we will always be together for family and friends.

Geo has my back always when it comes to guys, bullies, and other things.

"Heyy little sis, you going to come in the house or just thinking of Hunter"

I was standing there like a idiot I am because I was thinking of Hunter. What can I say Hunter means the world to me.

"Shut up people are going to hear you.you idiot"

"Why not, let them know how much you like Hunter"


I stopped him from screaming that I like Hunter by jumping on him and he fell to the ground.

"This is what you get for trying to scream that"

"No not that"

"What just happened?!" I hear Rachel squeal in confusion.

I started to run in my house and grab the last jolly ranchers.Me and Geo love them so much even the cinnamon ones. We always have challenges to who can put cinnamon ones in there mouth without spitting them out.

All of the sudden I hear yelling in mom's room.

"Get out, I don't want to see you anymore"

"I'm staying and you can't do anything about it you b****"

It was my mom and that freaking cheater  ex-boyfriend of hers. My mom always tries to break up with him but he never leaves us alone or goes away. I hate him so much. He cheated on my mom like 10 times and my mom always tried getting him out of the house and breaking up with him but nothing. This was the first time I heard my mom yell this much.

"Stay away from us and leave already Greg I don't love you anymore!"

I heard the door open from up stairs but, I heard a slap and I knew someone fell to the ground. I grabbed a sharp knife from the kitchen and ran up stairs.

"Your not going anywhere"


I opened the door that was cracked a little bit. I saw my mom on the floor crying I ran up to her but Greg pushed me into the wall.

The next moment went way to fast...

I...I stabbed him in the back.

I see Geo and Rachel run up to me. Geo gets Greg off of me and I see Rachel on the phone with the police.

"Yes, two people are injured please bring a ambulance fast"

She told the police the address of my house, I start to get dizzy and that's all I could remember...I blacked out.

"Hey, is it you...I know you can't hear me but I want you to know how much we all miss you...I lo-"

"-I want you to know how much I miss talking to you"

It was Hunter he was squeezing my hand really tight.

I want to tell him how I feel about him but I just can't. I want to wake up right know but I can't open my eyes.

*2 weeks pass*

"Hey it's me again...I want to tell you how much we all miss you and how much I miss you..."

I start to wake up and I look into Hunter's eyes....
Yea i know short but I got a lot of things in my head right. One thing is about a guy I like and the other thing is about my school work. But I'm writing both books at the same time so don't judge I love you guys.

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