Sucky Tuesday.

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Maybe it was meant to be, me and Mario best friends. I took off my stuff and Mario saw me crying and ran to me sliding on his knees and pulled me into his chest.

"Whhyy areee yyoou herree" I mange to get out while crying.

"I kinda volunteer here on some days and why are you here" he asked me. I was claiming down and Mario was playing with my hair.

"I kinda ran away and this is my hiding spot. Nobody knows about it and I want it to stay that way" I told him.

"Why are you crying"

"Hunter was making out with Maria and I thought Hunter really like me cause I'm his best friend."

"He's just really messed up and I'm going to be here with you if you want"

"Please do and can you call Weston, Maddie  and Jacob. Only them please."

"Umm...well I can call Weston cause me and Weston got into a fight with Maddie, Jacob and Hunter that it was Hunter's fault for you running away and all that. We stuck up for you, cause we care about you Felicity. A lot"

"Thanks and just call Weston. I want my twin to be here with me and only him and you, with me."

Mario called Weston and moments later he was here in the basement with us.

"Omg Felicity you got me worried as hell!" He yelled. He came up to me and gave me a warm hug.

"I'm sorry and I just saw....I just saw...Hunter kissing Maria!" I told him.

"I'm going to beat that kids ass cause he broke my twin sister's heart"

"No don't do that and why did you guys get into a fight over me?"

"Cause he said you ran away cause of was my fault. He said if I never told you that we were twins none of this would have happened. And I told him it was his fault cause Maria was all over him and he never told her to back up..."

"Yea this is true. Hunter never told Maria to back up. Why does this have to happen to me"

"It's not your fault Felicity. It's Hunter cause he mad a huge mistake letting you go." Mario responded.


They guys convinced me to go back home and stay there if only they will help me. I'm still trying to find out what my dad wanted to say to me. I should really go back but I don't want to. It's really hard on me and Hunter just cheated on me so how am I supposed to deal with this in one day.

Me and the guys where on my couch and watching a movie. My head was in Mario's lap and my legs where on Weston's lap and my whole body was spread across the couch.

Tuesday. The next day.

I wake up in my bed and I turned off my alarm clock, I forgot I had school today. Yay for me, note the sarcasm.

I go to my closet, I pick out a PINK jacket, shorts, my undergarments and took my makeup with me to my bathroom. I took a hot/cold shower, I get out and put my wet hair into a messy bun.  I managed to stay awake to put on my makeup. I only put on foundation, a little bit of concealer, eyeliner and mascara. I got my phone and book bag and ran out the house.

I already know that today is going to suck.

I go to my locker and when I get in to school everybody looks at me when I'm walking in the hallways. I hate it when everybody gives me attention. I open my locker and take the stuff that I really need for my classes.

First was math which I have with Maddie and Hunter. Great I have to see the guy that broke my heart and our best friend relationship. Just great.

I was walking to the class until someone pulled me aside. It was Jacob, great what now.

"Felicity I need to talk to you about Maddie"

"What about her"

"I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes but last night I saw her go to Hunter's place. Do you know anything about that, cause well you're her best friend and Hunter girlfriend"

"I didn't know anything about that until know!" I half screamed.

"Shit" Jacob said under his breath.

"Thanks for telling me. I think Maddie and Hunter have there own relationship and didn't want to tell me. Or maybe they are dating and cheating on both of us." I told him.

"Why would you say that Fel?"

"Cause Hunter made out with Maria!" I screamed and everyone in the hallway was looking at our direction.

I walk to my class room and I hear people say stuff like.

"Omg Hunter made out with Maria" one girl say.
"Why did Hunter pick Maria not Felicity" a guy said.
"Hunter is a loser" I heard Mario say to Weston. Of course he would say that.
"Felicity doesn't need him, like she is pretty and Hunter doesn't deserve her" a girl in my science class say.

The last one made me smile a little. I walk into math class and the bell doesn't ring for about 10 more minutes.
The only people in class already are some nerds and 2 people that I don't want to see, Maddie and Hunter. They look at me when I walk in and get up to walk to me. I took my seat in the back and they followed.

Get ready to yell Felicity. I said to myself.

"Hey Felicity, I want to explain about yesterday" Hunter started. I didn't look up I just nodded my head.

"It's just why didn't you tell the whole school that Weston is your twin. The whole school thought you guys were dating and that's why I was with Maria. Sometimes I'm a player and I have to play the game you know"

"Please listen to him Fel. Just forgive him." Maddie said. She had guilt in her eyes I could see it. I saw that she tried to hold Hunter's hand but he didn't want to hold it.

"Oh my gosh your making out with Hunter!" I yelled.

"What no" Maddie said.

"Yea sure." I turn to Hunter. "Are you guys sneaking around and making our Hunter don't you dare lie to me!" I yelled at Hunter.

"Yes we are but it means nothing"

That's when that's when I knew I fell in love with the wrong guy. I slapped him across the face and I did the same to Maddie.

"Leave me alone, and don't you dare try and find me. Cause you guys are no longer my best friends and don't ever come back in my life" I had a tear come from my eye. I took my stuff and ran to the closest room that had to people around. I went to the music room and nobody was in here. I started to cry and just cry like crazy.

I ran out of the music room when I was more calm and went to the girls locker room and changed into Nike shorts, I put on a sports bra and changed into a tie-dye shirt. Right know it's 12:31pm in the after noon. I went to the couch and told him what happened, he understood and called all my teachers that I'm going to stay with him the whole entry time.

The couch thought as me as his own daughter and I though as him as my father, it's kinda weird but still we have a relationship going on. He let my go practice soccer outside and I had my beats on. I was playing "No broken hearts" by Bebe Rexha.

"No broken hearts in the club" I sang

I was kicking the ball in the goalie and when I was juggling the ball someone kicked it out of the air. I looked my away and it was Mario and Weston. I'm seriously thinking that they are having a bromance and they are never going to tell me I swear.


Long chapter for the first time and I hope you guys like this chapter. Do you like that Hunter and Felicity are no long together or nah? And do you think Mario is in "love" with Felicity or they are just really good friends?


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