Dream or not a dream?

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Dream or not a dream?

"What! Really Weston that was a good juggle"

"Okay sure" Mario said back to me. I gave him the evil eye.

"Why are you guys even here?" I asked.

"Cause Felicity we are worried about you. Hunter and Maddie made a bad mistake and we are not telling you to forgive them it just looks like you are having a very off day." Weston said.

"I am and I don't want to talk about it I just want to play" I sat on the grass. I was joined a little later by the boys, Mario on my right side and Weston on my left side.

I looked up at the blue cloudy sky and I just closed my eyes. Then all of the sudden that's the last thing I remember.


I'm updating today cause I can't tomorrow sorry guys but hope you like this chapter.

~Olivia ❤️

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