Starting over.

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Starting over.

Blake, Weston, Mario, and I walked to a close Café that they say I really liked before. We all got there seeing nobody here at all, I see why I used to like it here. Weston and Mario went to order for us because I only wanted an ice tea and Blake wanted water. We sat down by a window table and Blake sat across from me.

"So...we haven't actually talked even though you are like the popular girl at our school." Blake told me.

"Well, I wanted to start over since the day I forgot about everything. Thanks to the brain tumor."

"Wait, you had a brain tumor?"

"Yeah, I did, it was only stage one so it wasn't that bad but it made me forget about a lot of things."

"I'm sorry." He took my hand and he gripped it tightly.

"It's not your fault, but I'm glade I got the tumor because I...I always wanted to change the way I am and now I can. I love soccer and soccer is the only thing in my mind right now." I smiled at him. We were still holding hands which was getting awkward so we both let go.

"Okay, here is your ice tea, your water Blake, and here is my food." Weston sat next to me and Mario sat across from him seeing that he had a big plate filled with food.

"You guys sure can eat." I laughed out.

"Yeah we can." Mario said with food in his mouth. I looked at Blake and we both smiled making me blush. The door burst open with Hunter and Maddie coming in. The two people that I don't want to see right now even though I have reasons, but I don't remember them.

"Well, isn't it the slut?" Hunter walked up to us.

"What did you just call me, pendejo?" I snapped back.

"Don't call him that. Wow, I couldn't believe you guys used to be best friends, but look at you, you guys have fallen and he is all mine." Maddie laughed out.

"Well I'm glad I don't remember anything about you two, only that you both broke my heart but I have these amazing people to keep me going." I told Maddie.

"I couldn't believe I was your best friend because just saying, I always like Hunter and now he is all mine." She kissed Hunter right in front of us and the way I felt was kind of heartbroken and I don't know why.

"Also ,are you going to the game later?" Hunter asked all of us.

"What game?" I asked him. He then left the café leaving me with a question that needs to be answered.

"What game?" I asked again.

"Oh yeah... Ihave a football game today, do you guys want to come?"

"I can't, I have very important things to do later with Weston." Mario said. He looked at Weston and they both smiled really weird which creeped me out.

"Are you guys having a bromance?" I asked them.

"Maybe." Weston told me.

"How about you, Felicity, can you come?" Blake asked me.

"Umm...sure, I would love to go"

Sweet little girl (Hunter Rowland fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now