Dont talk to me!

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Don't talk to me!

"So let's go stretch and-"

I get cut off by the one person I don't want to hear right now. It was Maria.

"Oh look it's the slutty girl with no dance moves" she laughed at the end. I swear she had a laugh of a witch, no wonder she doesn't have a boyfriend and she's trying to get Hunter's attention.

"What do you want" I snapped at her.

"Oh are you mad, that Hunter isn't paying attention to you"

"Shut up you don't know what your talking about me and Hunter have been best friends since forever"

"So why aren't you guys talking" she pointed her finger at me.

"Cause of you, you're trying to break us up"

"Oh sweetie you guys never had a thing"

I slapped her across the face before someone picked me up. I turned around with anger in my face and it was Mario. Mario took me to the corner and I don't know why it was him.

"Are you okay you are surly hitting a lot of cross the face" I had a smirk on his face. I laughed cause that was true.

"Yea I am I just that bitch"

"So you still up for gazing at the stars later on"

I thinks about it a little but I said yes to him. I ran back to my team and it was already half time, that means it's time for us to start dancing.

"Okay girls it's our time to shine so let's make it real out three we all say wolves okay"

"Okay" all of them said at the same time.

"1...2...3...wolves" we all cheered at the same time and ran to the field. I took a microphone.

"Hi my name is Felicity and I'm the team captain, and we are the fierce wolves!"

They played Younow Gurl by 99goonsquad. The dance went great and the game was over by 6-2

"So you ready" I heard Mario from behind me.

"Yea sure but let me get my bag"

"Where do you think you're going!" Hunter graved my arm and pushed me on the ground facing Mario.

"Hunter stop" I get up

"Haven't you hurt her enough" Mario pushed him.

"Want to start a fight then we will start a fight" Hunter punched Mario. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"STOP!" I yelled between them but they didn't listen they kept hurting each other and I had to stop this.

I pushed Hunter off of Mario cause he was on top of him hurting him.

"Hunter stop you can go with Maria and I don't're hurting him but most of all you're hurting me!" I had tears going down my cheeks. I couldn't stop the tears and I went to pick up Mario.

"Still want to go in that date" I whispered to him. I heard a laugh come from him and I took one last look at Hunter looking at me with disgust in his eyes but I just ignored him.


Short chapter I know but going to make a bigger one next week and btw I'm in younow gurl and I started to freak out😂😂 I love 99goonsquad so much

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