Chapter 2

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Dedication to @1Dissexyy for first comment.

"Camp Rock 2" I protested.

"1st one" he moaned.

- 2nd

- 1st

- 2nd

- 1st

This has been my conversation with Marcel for the last 15 minutes. We can't decide on what one's best.

"Why don't we watch them both?" I said stupidly. That would of saved 15 minutes. He nodded sheepishly and I laughed. I went into the kitchen and made 2 bowls of popcorn and got out 2 bottles of Fanta. I walked back into the living room where Marcel was sitting and handed him popcorn and Fanta before clicking play on the remote and getting comfortable.

After we had got back I excused myself to go change and had gotten into loose shorts and a pink polo. I had took my glasses off and sat them on my bedside table and walked back downstairs. I only needed my glasses for school but I felt quite awkward when I was with company around them.

"This is real, This is me, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now, Gonna let the light shine on me, Now I found who I am there's no way to hold it in, No more hiding who I wanna be this is me!!" Me and Marcel sung at the top of our lungs. Yeah I think we're a bit crazy.

"So tell me something about yourself" Marcel said to me. I thought for a moment and then smiled.

"Well do you know how that song 'introducing me' on Camp Rock 2?" I asked and he nodded. "Well that actually sums me up" I told him and he laughed. "And also 'Marilyn Monroe' by Nicki Minaj aswell. I told him. He nodded and laughed again.

"So what about you? Is there a song that would describe you" I asked him and  he stopped laughing.

Marcel's POV:

I stopped laughing when she asked me that. How could I say that when she doesn't know anything about me or what I used to be like.

"Uhm I don't really have one" I mumbled and looked at my feet She nodded and it was away like that but I felt terrible for lying. Ever since I became 'Marcel the geek' everyone constantly ignored me, she finally understands but I don't see how Lily can be geeky at all. Without her glasses she looked gorgeous and her red hair made her stand out, making her look even prettier and she didn't have braces or anything. She honestly looks like she should be one of those popular girls everyone looks up to and wants to be like.

My phone ringtone cut out my train of thought and I apologised before clicking answer. It way my friend Jake and usually when he phoned it was urgent.

"What's up?" I asked and I heard frantic noises. I still had to sound nerdy to Lily but to Jake I had to sound like the old me. He still hadn't saw the new me.

"Mate you have to hurry up and get to mine. Logan's here and he's going crazy about what you done last night" he shouted through the phone.

"Uh okay I'll be right over" I told him and hung up the phone. Lily looked confused.

"What's up?" She asked me. Uhm okay excuses excuses.

"Oh erm my mum said she wants to see me, family thing" I lied. She nodded and led me to the door, bidding me a goodbye. This street was very familiar and turned out I stayed round the corner so I quickly head home and ran in the house. I went upstairs and washed the gel out my hair and took off my glasses. I ruffled my hair dry and let my crazy curls hang loose. It took a while but I finally managed to get the skin cover off my body, showing off my tattoos. I got changed into a pair of washed out jeans and a white top before leaving.

I hopped onto my motorbike and sped down the road heading towards Jake's house. It wasn't too far so I got there quite quickly.

"Hey Harry" Jake greeted me as I got to the front door.

"Hey mate where is he?" I asked him. I was getting seriously worked up now if I didn't see Logan.

"In there" he said pointing to the next room. I nodded and walked into the room where all my friends and Logan were.

"What do you want Logan?" I asked as he smirked and stood up to face me.

"I want to finish what we started" Logan said and swung his arm round but I skilfully ducked it and smirked as I caught his arm and twisted his arm.

"Don't think you'd want to do that" I threatened him in a deep voice. His eyes had pain through them and I almost laughed but kept my dark expression and let his arm go.

"This isn't the end Styles" he said in a threatening tone and I nodded and waved. None of us were scared of him but he thought we were intimidated so we just amused him.

"What even happened last night?" Mark, one of guys we hung with asked me. He was busy yesterday so didn't come with us.

"Well we were at that bar and apparently I was making out with 'his girl' so we ended up fighting over it but I don't see why she was a slut but he wouldn't leave it alone so it didn't end well" I told him simply. It wasn't exactly a big deal as it happened almost every night so I wasn't exactly bothered about it. I said goodbye to the lads and went back outside, getting on my bike and driving off.

I unlocked the door to my house and walked into the quiet and dark. It's been the same for the past 4 years so I'm kinda used to it. I just wished that night didn't happen. It scared me to even think about it. My phone bleeped which sounded weird in the quietness of my house. I unlocked my iPhone and seen it was a text from Lily.

Hey you okay? You seemed a little off earlier, text me back whenever:) - Lily x

I smiled a little and wrote a reply back before putting it in my pocket.

Yeah everything's fine, just family stuff. See you tomorrow:) - Marcel x

It was weird being Marcel. As Harry I got every girl I wanted, no one would ever annoy me and everyone would do what I say all the time. I've been to scared to tell the guys incase they laughed but I don't understand why I shouldn't. They're my family, the only family I have which was how I wasn't lying to Lily. She was the sweetest girl ever and the only one at my new school that like Marcel as a geek. I thought that would never happen honestly but I guess someone actually likes the geek in me.

I checked the time when I got to my room 8:30. I groaned and hopped in the shower. When I was out I just got changed into pyjama bottoms and went to my bed.

Lily's POV:

It was weird having my first friend. Marcel was so geeky and dorky that it was adorable. It's weird that I actually feel comfortable around him. I like it though. It was 8:30 so I hopped in a shower and got into my pyjamas. I towel dried my hair and went to my bed. At least there'll be an upside to tomorrow. At least I wont be alone.

So what do you guys think? Okay Harry shows himself so what do you think of him? I already love writing this book. Yeah so I hope you enjoyed this story and I'll hopefully update soon. Okay bye love you all:)

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