Chapter 20

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My jaw hit the ground. No that isn't possible I just turned 18! I know its legal but its too fast. Harry doesn't seem like he would at this age.

"OMG you have to say yes and we have to pick out a wedding dress and a perfect venue and-"

"Annie snap out" I said cutting her off. She nodded and took some breaths before she spoke again.

"Can I be the maid of honour?" I facepalmed myself and Annie just sat there with a happy grin on her face. This girl just won't stop.

"Its not going to happen Annie. For starters I've only turned 18 and he doesn't even remember me" I reminded her. She sighed and hugged me again. I looked at the close box with a pained expression. I really wanted to know what was in it but if he wanted to give it to me then he would. I'm not gonna let my curiosity ruin a giant surprise.

"You need to get your mind of this whole thing, why don't we visit Jake? You said he's a great guy and I'd be happy to meet him" she said to me. I reluctantly nodded and stood up. I couldn't be bothered with my appearance so I walked like a zombie out to Annie's car and crawled in. Annie happily slid in the passenger seat and we drove off.

Have you ever had those days where the weather matches your mood? So when you're extremely happy it's a bright sunny day and when you're sad it's rainy and cloudy? Yeah that was not for me today. The sun was high in the bright blue sky and it looked so happy. Everyone was enjoying the sun, playing around or sunbathing as I just sat looking through the car window. Just as everything starts to go right something terrible happens. I shouldn't be in this situation. Me and Harry should be playing around in the sun just having fun but instead we were in a situation where I was in a zombie-like state and Harry didn't even know I existed.

We pulled up to the hospital and walked along the plain familiar corridor. It was times like this I wish I had at least some sort of family to comfort me. That's all I longed for: Comfort.

We found Jake's room in the hallway and I turned the doorknob. I slowly opened the door and saw Jake sitting on his bed with Mark. They were both talking about something but they turned their attention towards us when they saw us.

"Hey Lily" Jake said with a sympathetic smile. I walked over and sat next to him where he hugged me for a few minutes. This comfort was just what I needed. "I heard what happened, I'm so sorry" he whispered.

"It's okay" I whispered. "Uh Annie this is Mark and Jake, guys this is Annie" I introduced them. They all said their hellos and then we went into an awkward silence.

"Lily can I talk to you outside?" Mark asked me. I nodded and we walked out, leaving Jake and Annie to talk about bread. Yeah they're weird. Tell me something I don't know.

"Whats up?" I asked him.

"It's Harry, he remembers you. He keeps talking about what he remembers and then started talking about you but he can't remember your name. He described you exactly though and he knows you're here somewhere. You have to go see him" he said to me. I nodded and walked to the room. Mark went back into Jake's room so we could have some time to talk.

I was never this nervous before. My heart was beating frantically inside my chest and I felt like it was going to explode. I wasn't mentally prepared for this. As much as I didn't want to I eventually opened the door and stepped in quietly. His head was wrapped in a thick white bandage and his eyes were shut. I stepped closer and he must've felt my presence as he opened his eyes slowly and looked at me. His eyes were filled with an unreadable expression and I immediately regretted coming in here.

"It's you, you're the dream girl" Harry whispered. If we weren't in this situation I would've called him cheesy but I never. "You're the one who's been in my head all day and you're the one who had my heart beating and kept me alive" he whispered. Oh god I felt like my face was going to burn from redness. "You're so beautiful" he whispered again but a little quieter. I smiled and blushed.

"Do you know my name?" I asked him with a little trace of hope left in me.

"Uhm is it Laura? Lillian?" he asked me. "I know it begins with an 'L'"

"It's Lily" I corrected him. At least I was still a part of his mind. That made my heart flutter a lot. "How's your head?" I asked him.

"Well it's as good as it can be after the incident" Harry joked. I laughed a little at how he still made me smile even though he could barely remember me. "It is a lot of pain but it could of been much worse. The doctor said I was much worse because this rarely happens and when it does they've died" Harry said to me. I nodded and pressed my lips together in a firm line.

He looked so tired and helpless that I just wanted to wrap my hands around his neck and hold him forever. I wanted to kiss him like there was no tomorrow. I wanted to stay with him forever. It was then I realised it. I was falling for Harry. Hard and fast. I never felt this way with anyone before. I'm in love with him.

"Harry" I whispered. He nodded and I opened my mouth to speak. "I-"

"Oh thank god you remember her" Mark screamed as he walked in the room. I glared at him but he either didn't notice or he ignored me. "So are you two still in love?" he asked us.

"Love? No I'm only 18" Harry protested. That made my heart break. He didn't feel the same. I could hardly breathe. I was choking for air. I need to get out of here. Without saying I clambered off the seat and ran straight out the door and into the outside world. I leaned against Annie's car and took deep breathes and tried calming myself before I saw Annie run towards me. I jumped in the car as soon as she clicked it and she did the same.

"Mark told me you ran away, what happened?" she asked me. I said nothing but tears spilled freely down my cheeks.

"I l-love him, he doesn't feel the same" I cried as Annie rubbed my back soothingly. Wow! If someone told me last year that I would of fell in love with a guy I would've laughed in their face but I guess time changes everyone.

"How do you know he doesn't?" Annie asked me.

"M-mark brought up t-the topic of l-love and h-he started la-laughing at how s-silly it was" I said. She rubbed my back and hugged me as I cried my eyes out.

"Lily, it's obvious Harry feels the same way, he just doesn't know it yet. I know you think I'm only saying it because I'm your friend but we all see it. The way he looks at you is so full of admiration and awe that I'm left crying because you've got the perfect relationship but I'm forever alone. If you actually saw how he looked at you, you'd notice what we see and how we know. He's probably just unsure of his feelings and has a hard time with them. Just give him a little time" she whispered.

I nodded and wiped my tears. I wasn't exactly a pretty crier. My eyes always went bloodshot and I got bags under my eyes and my cheeks got stain marks on them and my eyes always gave it away as they sparkled really bright. That's how people knew when I'd been crying. Oh god I'm an emotional wreck.

"Do you want to go home and get some sleep?" Annie asked me. I nodded and she pulled out the parking lot before driving me to my house.


Short chapter I know. Blame it on my big cousin Jordan. She HATES cliffhangers with a passion so I had to upload fast. Yeah I know this is the sad part of the story but just remember that there's always a rainbow at the end of a storm. Anyway let me know what you think.

I love you all, Byeee

- Amy x

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