Chapter 11

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"Thank you" I whispered as Harry took my hand.I saw car keys in my hand and took a closer look at them since I knew he didn't have a car.

"Jake let me borrow his car" Harry said as if reading my mind. I smiled and we kept walking towards the car. Harry, being a gentleman, opened my door and shut it for me after I got in. I buckled my seatbelt and Harry started the ignition.

"Honestly you look way too pretty, it's like you're too good to be true" he whispered. A deep blush appeared on my cheeks and Harry laughed when he noticed. I just looked away as he started driving. Harry didn't look too bad himself. His signature curls were messy but in a neat way and he had a black suit on with a white shirt and black tie. About a few minutes away from the school he took my hand in his massive on. I felt tingles up my arm but ignored them.

When the car stopped Harry jumped out his seat and ran round to my side of the car to open the door. I smiled and thanked him, carefully stepping out. He took my hand again and we walked over to the door that I dreaded the most.

"Harry I'm scared" I whispered as we got to the entrance. He turned to face me and this time took both my hands, making me stare up at his gorgeous green eyes.

"Don't be, you honestly look perfect, I wouldn't lie about that. I promise everyone will just end up staring in awe and jealousy instead of hatred or whatever you said they give you". I smiled at him and nodded, taking a few deep breaths.

"Come on lets go then" I mumbled to him and he smiled, squeezing my hand a little as we walked in. It was actually really nice looking. The whole place was decorated amazingly all in different colours. It looked like a rainbow but it worked. There was a place by the entrance to get your picture taken with your date and then further in there was the dance floor right in the centre with tables round the edge of it. The DJ was up on stage with all the equipment and lights set up and down by the far corner there was a drink table and a buffet. It just looked amazing.

"Do you want a picture?" Harry asked me. I nodded and we walked over to wait in the small queue. It didn't take too long and the picture was taken before we could blink. The photographer gave us a copy each and told the next couple to come up. Well that was fast. We saw Annie and Logan sitting at a table and I led Harry over. Annie squealed in happiness when she saw me and I smiled as she hugged me tight.

"Wow Lily, you look gorgeous" Annie squealed again.

"So do you" I said as I looked at her dress. It was the blue one we had picked out a few months before and she had paired it also with silver jewellery and shoes.

"Uh guys this is Harry, Harry this is Annie and this is Logan" I said, pointing between the three of them as an introduction. I saw Harry's jaw tense and Logan's fists were clenched so tight they were going white. I motioned Annie to see and I led Harry away from the table over to the other side.

"Do you guys know each other or something? Honestly what was that for?" I asked Harry calmly and quietly.

"Uh yeah we know each other but not in a good way" he whispered, me barely being able to hear him.

"How?" I asked him. I don't even understand any of this. Am I just too easily confused? I don't know.

"I need to tell you something, not right now, it's kinda important" he told me. I nodded and smiled a little, knowing he would tell me in his own time.

"Come on then, loosen up. Let's go dance" I said happily as I dragged him up. He eventually gave in and I smiled when he danced with me. There were many other couples on the dance floor and I smiled when none of them gave me any attention. Usually I'd hate it but it's best this way.

We danced for a while, stopping at times to get drinks or food but it was an overall great night. We were coming up for the last few dances when Mrs Marc walked up to the stage and tapped on the microphone, gaining everyone's attention.

"Hello senior class, welcome to your lovely prom. It's time to announce prom King and Queen" Mrs Marc said and everyone cheered. "Okay before it's announced, girls you all look beautiful and guys you look very handsome" she continued. Everyone went quiet as she tore open a red envelope and read out the names. "Lily Whitehall and Harry Styles" she called out happily.

My eyes widened in shock as everyone turned to stare at us. Harry took my hand and we walked up to the stage. Mrs Marc gave us our crowns and everyone cheered. Luckily we weren't forced to do a speech and we were allowed to go back off.

"Okay let the king and queen start off the last dance" Mrs Marc stated happily. Harry moved his hand from mine and over to my waist. I wrapped my arms round his neck and we began to softly sway in time with the music. Harry's eyes stared into mine and he smiled, automatically making me smile back. Soon enough, people stopped staring and started joining us until the whole dance floor was filled. There was just enough space to move around thankfully and we silently danced, still looking in each others eyes.

As the song finished Harry leaned down and finally kissed me. I smiled as he wrapped his arms tighter round my waist and we just stayed there as everyone started to leave. The people that said about butterflies are wrong. I felt the whole zoo in my stomach. I had tingles round my waist where Harry was holding me. It felt like it could last forever but sadly all good things must come to an end. "Thank you for making this night so special" I whispered. Harry smiled and kissed my lips one last time, taking my hand and leading me out towards the door.

"I enjoyed being there, especially with you" Harry told me with a smile. I blushed and hid my cheeks.

"Harry" I asked. He looked down at me and spoke up.

"Yeah" he asked me.

"Yes" I whispered.

"Yes what?" he asked me.

"Yes I'll go out with you" I told him with a smile. Harry smiled and wrapped his arms round me, kissing me again.


So what do you think? Good? Bad? Please let me know. They finally kissed:)) Aww I find it so cute even though I'm the one writing it. I shouldn't really be updating cause I'm meant to be sleeping since it's 5am over here but I'm ill and can't sleep so here's an update. Thank you guys so much for 500+ reads, 50 votes and 50 comments. I'm honestly so happy. I know there are millions of fanfics out there, loads just as Marcel and I just want to say a massive thank you for choosing mine. Okay yeah so bye love you all x

Dedication to @Amy_Whyte_1Dxo because she's fabulous.

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