Chapter 16

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"Hey do you want to come round? I have something special planned for you - Harry :) x"

"Sure I'll be about 20 minutes - Lily :D x"

I quickly ran up the stairs and got changed out of my jammies and into a cute dress with some tights underneath. I put on my Uggs and a denim jacket before leaving the house and locking it behind me. My dad and Evan left this morning at 8am and it's now 4pm so yeah I was especially bored. I got to Harry's house and there was a note.

"Come on in, follow the path - Hazza"

I put the note in a nearby bin so no one else would read it and then opened the door slowly. The house looked the same except there were red rose petals lying along the floor. I followed them up the stairs and up to Harry's door. I slowly twisted the door knob and opened the door. The lights were off but there were candles around the room giving it a soft glow. There was a picnic blanket in the middle with some petals over it and last but not least, Harry stood with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. I closed the door over and Harry came over to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"I got you some Lillies" Harry said with a small laugh. Corny alert. I thanked him and took them in my hand. "I'm sorry if you don't like this, I just thought you might want something special" Harry said, his voice almost inaudible.

"I don't like it" I told him. His face went from a smile to a frown. His eyebrows furrowed and his nose scrunched up making me kiss his cheek from cuteness. "I love it" I whispered in his ear. He laughed and kissed me again, picking me up and spinning me again. I couldn't help but smile and laugh at the cuteness overload.

Harry took my hand when he set me back down and we walked over to the picnic blanket, gently sitting down so I didn't wreck it. He went over to a drawer and pulled out a small box, wrapped in gold paper. I smiled as he sat down next to me.

"I'm sorry I never gave you this yesterday for your real birthday but I kind of left it in the house and I didn't want to keep your special day waiting by having to stop off here first" he told me. I told him it was fine and he hand it to me. I took the wrapping paper off and there was a little red velvet box waiting to be opened. I slowly opened the box and immediately gushed at how it was. "I figured the Lillies would die eventually so this is to keep for as long as you want" Harry said.

"Harry this is absolutely beautiful" I told him as I took the necklace out the box. It was a light gold chain with 2 lillies attached to it and there were little pearls at parts. It was honestly beautiful. Harry took it out the box and I lifted up my hair so he could put it round my neck. He did it and easily attached it at the back, leaving a kiss behind as well. "You're honestly perfect" I said to him. He laughed and thanked me, kissing my nose. That made my heart flutter about 10 million times a second.

"You know you're so different from most girls" Harry said to me. I ushered him to continue and he smiled before he spoke up again. "When most girls turn 18, they want an 18th birthday party and they want to get drunk so badly and just go around sleeping with people because it's 'legal' and don't even care about spending time with their family, it's all just parties and drink to them but you're different to them. You don't care about spending time with family and eating McDonalds. You just do what makes you happy instead of doing what other people want you to do and I respect you for that" He said. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I guess. Well I've not exactly got many friends so a party is out of question and I once tried alcohol when I was 16 and it was disgusting so I don't think I'll go down that path again" I told him with a laugh. He laughed as well and nodded.

We sat and talked for hours. I think it's the most perfect night I've had. I mean I'm with a guy I really really like and we're just talking about everything and anything, not caring what anyone else thinks of us. It's honestly been so much fun.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Harry asked me. I nodded and he went to his tv. I moved from the blanket up to his bed and got comfortable under the covers. Harry laughed when he saw me and put a movie in. He blew the candles out so no accidents happened during the night and then he climbed in next to me. We half lay, half sat on the bed. We were elevated enough so we could see the tv but we were basically lying. It was actually a very comfortable way.

The words 'Mean Girls' came up on the screen and I took a laughing fit right there and then. Harry just sat there with a bright red face as I tried to control my laughter. It took so much effort but eventually tears stopped escaping my eyes and I managed to control my breathing.

"I done it for you since its for your birthday" Harry said as an excuse. I just shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say styles" I told him sarcastically and then went back to watching the movie with him.

"I cant go out *cough cough* I'm sick. Boo you whore" I quoted at the right part of the movie. Harry rolled his eyes at me but I saw a small smile on his face. It was...cute.

"You've watched this too many times" Harry stated. I nodded enthusiastically, making him laugh.

"Well sorry it's mainstream but still the best chick flick made!!" I said in a fake girly voice. I flicked my hair at the end for added effect. I got another sarcastic eye roll as Harry continues to ignore me. "Oh come on styles, stop being mr huffy" I said with a pout.

"Is that my new nickname? Styles?" Harry asked. I nodded with a smile and he just shook his head with a sigh. I started laughing at how serious he seemed and eventually he joined in. We ended up watching the rest of the movie but not actually paying attention. I quoted it whenever I could be bothered and Harry still pretended to ignore me. Men these days!


Well I better get going, it's getting dark outside" I told him. I stood up to leave but he grabbed my wrist.

"Your dad and Evan are away aren't they?" Harry asked me. I nodded and he spoke again. "Well why don't you stay here tonight so you aren't yourself?" he asked me. I nodded slightly and thanked him before sitting back down. He gave me some more of his clothes and I went to his bathroom to get changed again. It feels like I've done this a billion times now.

He actually gave me joggies this time so I felt more comfortable walking back to his room. He patted the space next to him when he saw me and I sat next to him, reading over his phone. He was on instagram and I saw one of his recent photos was of me and him.

"When was that taken?" I asked him.

"Yesterday, remember your dad took it on your phone yesterday at bowling?" Harry asked me. I remembered again and nodded. Me and Harry were arguing over how he cheated and my dad took a picture as he was winking at me. That had made me smile at him. Obviously his wink wasn't evident in the photo, he just looked like he was smiling. I actually found the picture extremely cute and couldn't help but smile at how off guard we were yet we were smiling at each other as if we were posing.

"I like that picture" I told him. He nodded as well and clicked on it. It had 45 likes so I was quite shocked. I know to some people that isn't a lot but to me that's millions. He scrolled through the other ones of us both and I smiled at how natural we both looked. Usually I hate my picture getting taken but I didn't mind these ones as they weren't posed. Only 3 of them were and I loved the natural ones better.

"So how have you enjoyed your late birthday?" Harry asked me. He took a hold of my hand and squeezed it gently.

"I love it, no ones ever went out of their way to do this and make me so happy so thank you so much" I said to him. He replied by kissing my forehead and putting our faces together nose to nose.

"I'd do this any day to see that beautiful smile on your face everyday" he whispered. I smiled and kissed him again. We sat for the rest for the night cuddling and talking, occasionally watching movies that were on in the background.


I updated!!:) Twice in one day, I'm quite proud. So let me know what you think. Oh by the way guys thank you for almost 900 reads, I'm so close to 1000. Remember to vote and comment and maybe even fan? Picture at the side of the necklace ------->

Congrats Zerrie!! I love Zayn and Perrie, knowing they're getting married is the cutest thing ever. I ship them so much! Yeah so bye love you all

- Amy x

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