Chapter 13

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"Lily can I copy your homework?" Annie asked me. I nodded her and handed her my history jotter. No I'm not psychic or anything, I just knew history was her worst subject, she was perfect at every other one. She quickly thanked me and started copying off it. Me and Marcel were sitting at one side of the table while Annie and Logan were acting all coupley together.

"Hey Lily, how do you know Harry? And why was he your date to the prom?" Logan asked me. He was still a little tense about the whole situation but I had no idea why.

"Oh he's my boyfriend so he came with me" I told them and a little blush came up on my cheeks.

"YOUR WHAT!" Annie screamed and snapped the book shut. "Why did you not tell me?" she whispered when she realised everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us.

"It just happened the day of prom and I spent the day with him yesterday while you and Logan were acting all coupley so how have I been able to tell you?" I said to her.

"Oh okay sorry, never mind then" Annie said as she went back to copying off my jotter. I just sat there and felt a pang of jealousy when they were acting all cute. I wish Harry went to this school. Maybe we could be like that?

"Lily, he's dangerous, I'd stay away from him if I were you. You'd be best staying away from him for your own good." Logan said to me. I felt my heart ache and I felt the need to defend him.

"Harry isn't dangerous, he's lovely and he's really nice to me all the time. He treats me right and even though I'm self concious he makes me feel beautiful. He's the only person I can be myself around and I'm falling for him so much. I dont think I have ever met anyone as lovely as him. He's one in a million and I wouldn't trade him for anyone. He has the ability to make me smile no matter what. Even before we went out he would be a perfect gentleman and do everything he could to see me smile. He always cheers me up and I am so grateful for that. I get that Annie's your girlfriend but that doesnt mean I need to be nice to you so don't say that about him when you probably dont even know him properly" I screamed and when I was done with my rant I took my bag and went to walk away.

I strolled right out of the cafeteria with everyone staring at me and a few actually started clapping. I went to the only place I knew no one would be. I walked up to the place me and Marcel found, taking a seat under the tree. I sighed and let some tears escape out my eyelids and drip down my cheeks. How could he say that about Harry? He probably doesn't even know him well enough to say that. He's honestly an idiot.

The bell ran sending me out of my thoughts. I know it wasn't like me but I couldn't deal with Logan anymore and he was in my next 2 classes so I waited until the place was empty and took my bag, walking out the entrance and making my way home. I felt so different but I didn't care. It was all Logan's fault.

I was greeted by the usual emptiness so I went up to my room and took my phone out, immediately sending a text to the one person I knew would cheer me up. My dad and Evan went to visit an old friend so I was myself.

"Hey are you busy? - Lily x"

I sent the text to Harry and placed it on my bed, almost immediately getting a reply.

"Of course not princess, why no smiley face? Is everything okay? Do you want to come round? - Harry <3 x"

I smiled at the sweet text and told him I'd be round in 10 minutes. I quickly got changed into a decent outfit and made my way to Harry's house. He text me before I left, telling me just to come in so I opened the door and shut it over, making my way to Harry's room. It was the first room at the stairs so I was there pretty quickly. I slowly opened the door but immediately shut it again when I saw him. He was standing in the middle of the room with only his boxers on. His flipping boxers! I had let our a small squeal and the door had banged a little which obviously must've caught Harry's attention.

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