Chapter 9

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"Care to explain?" my dad asked as he looked us both up and down. This wasn't exactly a sight for a father to see. Her daughter with a total stranger - well to him - both covered in flour and practically kissing. Not exactly good either when you have an overprotective brother standing there as well.

"It's a long story dad. Okay I'll just do an introduction before you guys get too mad. "Dad, Evan, this is my friend Harry. Harry this is my dad and my big brother Evan" I said quickly, pointing between the three.

"Harry may I have a talk with you?" Evan asked him. He nodded and they both walked out of the kitchen, but not before Harry sent me a worried look.

"Why were you kissing him?" my dad asked me, quite angry.

"Dad please don't worry, that wasn't meant to happen, we're just friends. I never actually kissed him we almost did but we didn't. We were just messing around and we were stuck in the moment. It didn't mean anything to me I swear" I lied to him. I hated lying to my dad but I cant really explain the situation.

"Dad I like this guy" Evan said walking in, surprising me completely. Harry seemed proud of himself and I almost laughed.

"Are you serious Evan? You've never like anyone involved with Lily" my dad said, seeming just as surprised as me. Evan nodded and a smile was evident on his face.

"Hi Harry, I'm Lily's dad, I've never got to mention myself yet" my dad said to Harry, holding out his hand which Harry shook.

"Hi Mr Whitehall, it's great to meet you" Harry said as they let their hands go.

"Please, call me Robert, I trust you kid, you seem like a nice guy" my dad said. My eyes widened with surprise. He's never liked any boys I've ever even talked to.

"Thank you Mr Whit- I mean Robert. Well I better get home I need a shower" he said to him and waved a goodbye to me, taking a step towards the door.

"Don't be silly, you can't walk home like that, you can have a shower here. Evan can give you a change of clothes, you guys look around the same size" my dad said to Harry.


"Well that was awkward" I said as me and Harry sat in my living room. My dad and Evan were upstairs putting their stuff away. "I'm so sorry about them, I didn't know they were coming home"

"It's fine, I don't mind. Where were they anyway?" he asked me.

"Uh well they joined the navy when I was 13 and they never got to come back until now obviously so I've been living myself since then" I told him.

"What about your mum?" he asked me. He looked curious but as soon as a tear escaped my eye he hugged me and held me into him. "I'm sorry, forget I asked that" Harry said as he played with my hair and wiped away my tears, trying to soothe me.

"She got stabbed when she went shopping" I whispered during tears.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.

"It's fine, you didn't know about it" I mumbled, finally managing to stop letting tears escape. Harry kissed my forehead and kept apologising.

"Hi pumpkin, you're clean enough to hug now, come here" my dad said as he walked into the room with his arms open. I happily got up and embraced my dad in a tight hug.

"I missed you princess" my dad whispered as he hugged me.

"I missed you too daddy" I told him and we finally let go.

"Sorry to interrupt but I better get going" Harry said as he stood up. I nodded and walked with him to the door.

"It was great to meet you" my dad and Evan said in unison.

"You too" Harry said with a smile.

"Well I guess I'll see you soon" I told him and he nodded.

"Yeah see ya" he said as he hugged me and discreetly kissed my cheek before walking out and waving goodbye.

"So how long have you known him?" Evan asked me.

"Uh about a month I think" I told him and he nodded. "Why are you back? I thought you weren't allowed for another 3 years?" I asked him.

"Well we were allowed a week off and this is the best week because you have prom and your birthday so we came to see you" Nick said to me. "But after this week we have to go back"

"So what have you been up to?" My dad asked me.

"Nothing really, I jut hang out with my friends. I've got Harry, Marcel and Annie" I told him. He nodded and hugged me again, mentioning again how much he missed me.

Harry's POV:

"Where have you been mate?" Jake asked me when I invited him over.

"Oh you know, just chilling" I told him.

"It's a girl isn't it?" Jake said with a smirk. He knew the answer already and smirked. "Who is she, can I meet her?"

"If you want, I'll ask her" I told him and pulled out my phone to dial the familiar number.

"Hi Harry what's up?" Lily's adorable voice asked over the phone.

"Hey, my friend Jake was wondering if he could meet you?" I asked her.

"Oh sure, yeah if he wants to, when though?" she asked.

"Tomorrow?" I asked her. She agreed and we said goodbye before hanging up the phone.

"She sounds sweet and innocent, why are you getting her involved in our lives. What if Logan finds out? He'll kill her" Jake said to me.

"That's why Logan isn't finding out, and she doesn't know about that situation yet and I don't want her to know, she trusts me and I'm starting to get really close to her" I told him.

"You've fallen for her haven't you?" Jake asked me.

"I don't know, earlier we were making pizza at her house and we got in a flour fight and she was laughing and we almost kissed, I've almost kissed her loads of times" I told him. "She's just irresistible"

"Aww wee Hawwy's in wuv" Jake said in a fake baby voice.

"Shut it" I groaned. He laughed and hit me over the head.

"Have you said anything about going out?" he asked me.

"Yeah I've asked her out twice but she's different from other girls. She won't jump on me, she can be herself, she isn't fake, she's naturally gorgeous, she's had a difficult backgrounds and she's opened up about it." I told him.

"Wow, she seems lovely, maybe you've found the one" Jake said.

"Maybe" I mumbled.


Hey I updated again:) I know it's short but I wanted to give you guys a treat. I'm being generous:D So what do you think? Good? Bad? Let me know. Gotta go now, it's party time:)) Love you all x

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