Chapter 5

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"Oh my god I'm an idiot, I'm so sorry, please don't hate me, you probably do now oh my I better leave I'm sorry" Marcel rambled like an idiot, a cute idiot. I was about to speak up and tell him it was fine but he stood up and walked away sighing and shaking his head.

I sat against the tree and sighed. It's not as if I didn't like it, I mean obviously I did, it's just that he was my first kiss and it was weird. I had my perfect first kiss -  In the rain - so it meant a lot to me. I closed my eyes for a second and just sat staring at the sky for about half an hour.

"Hey you okay?" a deep voice asked me. I looked down from the sky and saw Harry smiling at me. I nodded slightly but a sigh escaped my lips before I could stop it which made him curious. "Can I sit with you?" he asked. I nodded and he sat against the tree on my right, just staring at me.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked him, trying to spark up a conversation. He shrugged and played with some grass next to him.

"Just decided to go a walk, I was kinda bored" he told me and I nodded. "Whats wrong that's making you so sad?"

"I'm not exactly sad just surprised. See my friend kissed me and then he started rambling about how sorry he was and he walked away just leaving me here. The weirdest part though was that I actually liked it." I told him. I don't know why I was saying this to him but I felt like I could trust him.

"Well why don't you do something to get your mind off it?" he said to me and I nodded. "Do you want to go to Starbucks?" he asked and I nodded again with a smile. He stood up and held out his hand which I happily took to help me up. We walked and joke along through the streets to the coffee shop I hadn't visited in a long time.

"Hello what can I get for you?" a guy with the name tag of Jeff asked us. He had a bright smile on his face. I ordered a strawberry and cream frappucino and Harry ordered caramel. He took our names and went to go make them. We waited at the other end of the counter and when our drinks were made we thanked the guy and went to a quiet booth in the back.

"So tell me about yourself Harry" I said to him. He nodded and thought for a second.

"Well I'm Harry Styles, I'm 18, I live myself, only child, I've finished school and I'm currently single, that's the important stuff I guess, what about you?" he asked.

"Erm I'm Lily Whitehall, I'm 17 but turning 18 in a few weeks, I have a big brother who's 22 and I live myself as well, I'm also currently single obviously. Yeah that's it really" I told him.

We sat and talked for hours just ordering drinks so we could stay in the café. Eventually it was closing time in the shop and we had to leave. Harry had insisted on walking me home and I let him since I knew he lived round the corner.

"So Lily, can I get your number? Maybe we could meet up sometime" Harry said and finished with a wink, making me laugh lightly. I nodded and gave him my number and he done the same. He took a picture of himself on my phone and made it his contact icon and I done the same, making it so stupid.

"So thanks for today, it really got my mind of things, it means a lot" I mumbled and smiled. He smiled back and leant down to hug me.

"It's no problem, I'm always here, closer than you think" he whispered in my ear. I smiled pretending I knew what he was talking about but I honestly had no clue. It must've been a double meaning thing that'll make sense later.

"Well thanks" I said again and he smiled. He waved when he got to the bottom of the path and then walked off into the darkness. I smiled to myself and walked inside, going straight up to my room. My phone bleeped sending me out of my thoughts and I read it with a bigger smile.

Good night, sweet dreams, see you soon hopefully:) - Harry x

Good night, yeah maybe you will:) - Lily x

I put my phone on charge and got changed into my jammies before sliding under the warm covers. I turned my tv on and watched season 7 of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. since it always put me in a good mood.

Without even realising it I was drifting off into a deep sleep and the last thing I remembered doing was turning my tv off.

Okay what do you think? I know it's short but I promised an update this weekend so here it is. Okay I'm definitely going to update before Tueday but then my parents are going on holiday so Im staying with my uncle and I cant take my laptop so I cant update until the following weekend but yeah. So anyway thank you guys so much, I'm at 222 reads and 18 votes so yay:) I know its not a lot to some people but it is to me so yeah. Oh if anyone is confused, Harry and Marcel have different phones if you were wondering. So is there any chance of me getting a vote or comment? maybe fan if I'm lucky? Yeah so bye love you all x

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