Chapter 21

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"So what's the plan?" I asked Harry. It's been 2 months since the incident and Harry's finally been let out. He's obviously still forgetting small things but he isn't actually too bad.

"Well I thought we could leave on Friday since we're off school until Wednesday next week so we have the whole weekend to ourselves and we can leave Tuesday morning so we're back in time.

"Sounds great" I said with a smile and squeezed his hand lightly. You're probably wondering where we're going aren't you? Well I'll fill you in. Harry said he's going to take me on a romantic 'holiday' to a beach house just out of town. We're leaving after school on Friday so we're there for as long as possible and I actually cant wait. 5 days of sun, sea and an amazing boyfriend. It couldn't actually go any more perfect. It's Wednesday just now so it makes it even better.

We're currently sitting in mine as I offered for him to stay here until we leave so that I'll know if anything happens to him. Yeah I know I sound clingy but I'm just being as careful as possible.

"So what do you want for dinner?" I asked him as we lay on the couch.

"I'm not too hungry the now, you can have something though. Why don't we watch a movie to pass time?" he asked me. I nodded and went into the kitchen. I got him a bottle of water, his request, and took a bottle of water for myself. I grabbed 2 apples since I was going to try and actually eat healthy. I handed him his snacks and he thanked me before picking a movie. I smiled at the choice: Star Trek. He actually picked a boy film. He smiled as he sat next to me and we wrapped the blanket around us as we turned the volume up and settled in.

After watching 3 different movies we decided to call it a night since we have school tomorrow and it's like 11pm. We both got changed into our pyjamas; Harry's just being a pair of bottoms and mine being a pair of shorts and vest top. We both climbed in since my bed was big enough and Harry cuddled against me. I obviously cuddled him back. He's honestly got way too much body heat. I don't get how most people feel awkward about sharing a bed with a guy. It's fine really. It's not as if we're gonna do anything anyway so what would be the point in making it all awkward.

"Good night beautiful" Harry whispered as he kissed my forehead. I smiled and played with a few curls.

"Good night Harry" I said through a yawn and he laughed at me. I really wanted to tell him how much I'm falling for him. I love how he knows exactly how to cheer me up. I love how his eyes always have a sparkle in them. I love how he can be himself around me. I love how he isn't obsessed over his appearance. I love how he is proud to be with me. I love how he's always smiling. I love how he watched cheesy romantic movies with me. I just love him and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I just don't want to say anything in case he doesn't feel the same. I sighed and shut my eyes. It took a while but I eventually fell into a peaceful sleep.

"Wake up gorgeous" a voice whispered in my ear. I grunted and turned the other way. Yeah I'm very ladylike. "Come on babe wake up" the voice whispered.

"Babe? I'm not a pig" I groaned. I heard a laugh and he shook me awake. "5 more minutes" I groaned. He shook his head and just laughed at me.

"You're such a morning person" he said sarcastically and I just rolled my eyes. "Come on, school starts in half an hour" he said. That's all it took for me to try and jump out of bed. Key word: Tried. My legs got caught in the sheets and I fell to the floor with a thud. I heard Harry laughing his head off and I just tried to get back up but my legs wouldn't leave the covers. After a few minutes my legs actually untangled and I got up off the floor.

"Well good morning sunshine" he said with a smile. It was my turn to roll my eyes and he chuckled lightly. "Well why don't you go get ready and I'll make breakfast?" Harry said to me. I nodded and thanked him. I lazily got my school uniform out and got changed into it quickly. Harry was already dressed. He just needed to put his glasses on which were by the door so he wouldn't forget. I quickly straightened my hair and decided to put in a hairband. I really need a haircut!

When I was done getting ready I walked down stairs and followed the smell of delicious food over to the kitchen. There were 2 plates of bacon and eggs sitting on the table and I happily sat down and started eating. Yeah I'm not ladylike at all in the morning.

"Yeah you're welcome" Harry said to me. He tried to pull a sad face but ended up smiling.

"Thank you" I mumbled during bites of food. When we both cleared our plates we grabbed our bags and Harry slipped his glasses on. I grabbed some mints so my breath wouldn't be bad after that breakfast and ate about 4 of them. Yeah I hate bad breath! The walk to school was short and as usual we were ignored through the hallways.

"Harry why don't you just show everyone your true self and you wont have to go through this?" I asked him. He shook his head straight away.

"No chance, I don't want people treating me differently and I'm happy as long as you're here" he said with a smile. I smiled back and we walked to our Art class. This was a short day so I had something to be thankful for.


School flew in pretty quickly and before I knew it me, Harry and Annie were eating lunch. I hate calling Harry 'Marcel' now unless I'm talking to him. It feels really weird.

"So do you guys know how Harry is doing?" Annie asked. Oh shoot I forgot to tell her.

"He's doing really great" Harry said to her. I just wanted to laugh at how awkward he was acting.

"Oh that's good then. Oh did Lily tell you what she told me?" Annie asked.

"No how what did she tell you?" Harry asked. I didn't even know to be honest.

"She's going to tell Harry she loves him" Annie said with a squeal. My jaw hit the floor. Not literally but almost. "Isn't that adorable?" Annie asked him with a wide smile.

"Yeah adorable" Harry said as he looked at me. "Is that true Lily?" Harry asked me.

"Uh I need to pee" I said quickly as I ran out my seat and straight out the canteen. Harry shouted my name a few times but I ignored it and ran to the toilet. When I was safely inside a cubicle I let out a sigh and held my head in my hands. I cant exactly blame Annie as she doesn't know the situation but this cant happen. I guess this happened for a reason. Maybe this is one of the silly things Harry will forget? I sure hope so.


What do you guys think? They're Happy:) kind of? So anyway let me know what you think. By the way guys thank you for the votes and comments. They mean so much to me:) I've actually been screaming at my friends all week about how happy I am. Yeah on the worst side, this story is almost done:( I hate leaving a story because getting attached to the characters and ugh but I'm starting a Louis fanfic as soon as this is done. I really hope you will read that too. It will be completely different. If you're a cliché person then there will be a few parts but if you aren't into the cliché stuff then its for you because it's not going to be cliché a lot. If you don't care whether its cliché or not then I still recommend you read it. Yeah I'm going to stop rambling since I need to dry my hair but I love you all. Bye

- Amy x

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