Chapter 3

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Before I continue this chapter I want to say a MASSIVE thank you to you guys, I've already got over 100 reads:) I know people only usually get excited with Thousands or Millions but I'm quite surprised so thank you so much:))

"Hey you okay?" Marcel asked me as I was walking down the hallway.

"What do you think? I just got a carton of milk spilled over me" I mumbled. I didn't mean to sound mad but those guys that done this to me are really irritating.

"Yeah I know, well at least it's the end of the day, speaking of which do you want to do something today?" he asked me. I smiled at the niceness but had to decline.

"I'm sorry I'd love to but I need to catch up on homework and then go get grocery shopping" I told him sadly. He nodded his head in understanding but insisted on walking me home.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow I guess" he told me and I nodded.

"Yeah see ya" I mumbled. He waved and awkwardly walked away as I headed to my door. Ugh I need a shower!

I unlocked the door and walked into the usual quietness. I left my door at the front and ran straight up to my room. I immediately rid myself of my milk-covered clothes and grabbed some towels and walked through to my bathroom.

I let the hot water run a while before jumping in and letting it soak me. I washed my hair with my favourite shampoo and then washed my body with some shower gel. When I was done I got out and dried off, changing into a pair of loose shorts and an oversized top. I let my hair fall down my back to dry naturally and got to work on my Physics homework.


I grabbed some coco pops and shoved them into the trolley and also taking some weetos as well. I finished my homework about half an hour ago so now I was just in the supermarket with my earphones in, getting some food for the house.

I walked into the juice isle and reached for the lemonade. Unfortunately I'm tiny so I can't usually reach things on the top shelf. I groaned and tried one last time, still failing.

"Here" a deep voice said and handed me it. I looked up at his face and almost dropped the bottle. He looked a little like Marcel except not geeky in anyway. He had Thick curly brown hair and deep green eyes. He was really tall and had loads of tattoos. Him and Marcel shared the tall and brown hair trait but that was weird still.

"Uhm thank you" I muttered and put it into the trolley.

"It's no problem, oh I'm Harry by the way" he said with a smile.

"Uhm I'm Lily" I mumbled and weakly smiled. "Yeah so uhm thanks" I mumbled, realising he was just staring at me and this was going nowhere.

"Uh yeah so bye" he mumbled and walked away. He looked so familiar to Marcel it was weird. Oh well, maybe they were like cousins or something. Or maybe just nothing. You know what they say. Everyone in the world has 7 look alikes.

I carried on with my shopping before I got to the till. The guy was from my school but I don't think he recognised me as I left my glasses in the house and was dressed like any other person. He looked depressed as he scanned the many items including ready meals, fruit, vegetables, snacks, crisps, juice, cereal.

I packed them away just as quickly as he scanned them and they were all in my trolley as he finished. "That's £62.95" he told me in a monotone voice. I put my card in and it clicked signalling to take it out.

I wheeled the trolley out the shop and over to my car. Yeah I do have a car, I just don't take it to school so I have the chance of going out places without being recognised. I put all the bags in and closed the boot before jumping over to the drivers seat and driving away.

Rain started pouring and the raindrops belted the windows as I drove. All the people on the road were putting their hoods up and walking faster but I did recognise one person. He was walking himself but he didn't have a hood or umbrella so I immediately pulled over to his side and rolled down the window.

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