Chapter 18

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"Lily wait up!" I heard a voice shout from behind me. I immediately new who it was so I kept walking through the crowded hallway. I wasn't in the mood to talk, especially not him. "Lily!" someone shouted but a little quieter. He touched my arm but I pulled away.

"What do you want?" I asked Logan. He looked exhausted from running after me. He had a bruise on his bottom lip and a black eye.

"I need to talk to you" he panted.

"About what? And why do you look like someone's just battered you?" I asked him. He told me to follow him and we walked along the school and over to the football pitch where it was basically empty.

"Okay I know you won't believe me but just hear me out" he started. I nodded and gestured for him to continue. "Harry done this to me, he's dangerous. We have this thing between us that isn't really friendly and have you not ever wondered why he sees you some days and he has bruises and then the next day so do I? We've hated each other for a long time now but he's got angrier for no apparent reason" he said to me. I just blinked throughout the whole thing without showing any emotion.

"Logan, if you want to convince me that Harry's the bad guy here it's not working. At least find a decent way if you actually want me to believe you" I said calmly and walked away. I hate hating my best friends boyfriend but honestly he cant just make stuff up. His words still played in my head though.

'Harry done this to me, he's dangerous'

I know he was really strong but he couldn't do that, would he?

I made my way home but that was all I could think of. I stayed on the couch just watching star wars with a bag of chocolate buttons. I'm gonna be fat soon.

A knock on my door surprised me so I paused the movie and went to get it.

"Harry you do know you can just come in" I said as I opened the door. He laughed and walked in with me following behind him. "So what's up?" I asked him as I sat cross legged on the couch. He was dressed really nice in a pair of faded denim jeans and a grey shirt that was unbuttoned, showing a plain white top.

"Am I not allowed to come and see my beautiful girlfriend without something to ask?" Harry asked me. I shook my head and he laughed. "Fine, do you want to come to a party with me and my friends, other girls will be there as well" he said to me.

"I'd love to Harry, but you know I'm not a party girl and I don't really like the idea of dressing like a slut either" I said to him. He just smiled.

"Lily, you know I'll beg until you come. live a little. And you don't have to dress like a slut. Just wear something nice" he said to me. I shook my head again and he went down on his knees with his hands clasped in a prayer position. "Lily, my beautiful girlfriend" he said, emphasizing the word girlfriend. "Will you pretty pretty please with a cherry on top, come to a party with me and I will stick by your side the whole night if you feel uncomfortable. And don't dare say you wont know anyone because Jake will be there and you know him" he said to me. I sighed in defeat and walked up to my room with Harry following happily behind me.

"Harry I don't have anything to wear" I said sighing.

"I'll find you something" he said to me and walked to my wardrobe, going through the racks of clothing I had. I'm not really a girly girl so I have like 3 dresses and I'd be surprised if they fit me. He pulled out a pair of denim shorts with a white ruffle top I didn't even know I had. He also took out a grey Hollister cardigan and a pair of black heels. I took the outfit but refused the heels. He put them away and pulled out a pair of white ballet flats. I took them and walked into the bathroom and got changed into the outfit. I had my shower this morning so I didn't need another one. I actually really liked this outfit because it wasn't too showy and it was really comfortable.

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