Chapter 4

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"Marcel what happened to you?" I almost screamed as I saw him in the hallway. He had a black eye and a few bruises were visible around his neck and peeping out from under his shirt sleeve. His head was hung in shame as he walked to his locker. I caught up with him and he turned to look at me with anger evident in his eyes.

"No it's nothing, Just got beat up but it wasn't too bad" he told me but his eyes told a completely different story. I knew he wasn't telling me the truth but I shrugged it off. If I had a reason for knowing he'd tell me.

"Hey Lily" a guy said from behind me. I turned round and saw the parcel guy from yesterday smiling at me.

"Uh hey" I mumbled not sure why I was talking to him.

"Umm I was just wondering, Proms coming up in a month and I was wanting to know if you'd maybe like to come with me?" he asked. Okay this was surprising. Since when did a guy even talk to me, never mind ask me to prom.

"Uh thank you I'm flattered" I said nicely. "but I'm not going to prom, I'm busy that day, I'm so sorry" I told him. I wasn't busy, obviously but I really wasn't going.

"Oh okay, I'll see you around then" he mumbled and walked away. I instantly felt bad and wanted to change my mind but that's not going to help things. I turned around and saw Marcel standing there staring at the guy who had been talking to me, I still didn't know his name. Marcel was sending glares and it didn't suit him at all. His fists were clenched and his eyebrows were furrowed. His tense face was making a vein appear at his temple and it looked like it would pop any minute.

"Marcel, what's wrong?" I asked him. I touched his clenched fist which made his usual adorable smile come back. He looked like nothing happened and no one noticed but unfortunately I couldn't get it out my mind. He seemed so annoyed, so....violent.

"Do you know him?" I asked but he shook his head which surprised me. He seemed to know at least something about him but I guess if he doesn't want me to know then it's fine I guess.

"Come on let's go get lunch" Marcel said to me and took the bottom of my arm. I walked with him to the cafeteria and we got our lunch. I was about to go to our table but Marcel stopped me.

"Its beautiful outside and I found somewhere quiet why don't we go sit there?" he asked and I nodded. He guided me outside and through to a foresty bit. It had a path and we walked through it while I observed the beautiful nature around us. Usually our school was boring with nothing good to see but this was gorgeous. We got to the end of a path and there was a giant tree with green grass around it.

"This is beautiful" I gushed as I sat down across from him. He was sitting with his back against the tree and I faced him and leaned against a little stump I found. To our left there was a flower garden with different coloured flowers making it look so colourful and to the right there was a giant bush but it had a clearing in it so we could see the whole school and everyone outside without them seeing us. He smiled in response to me and it made me smile back.

We ate our lunches in such a peaceful silence. It felt really comfortable and I could just sit here forever.

"So about what you said earlier, why aren't you going to prom?" Marcel asked me. I stayed quiet as I thought about a decent answer. I couldn't say the real answer because no one knew so I just needed an answer that sounded real.

"Well nobody likes me and I don't want to pay so much money to get a pretty dress and look nice enough just for someone to wreck it.; They'll probably pour the bowl of punch over me or something" I mumbled. It was the most decent answer I can think of and its probably true as well.

"oh okay" he said as he took a drink.

"Are you going?" I asked him.

"Not if you aren't" he told me. I felt really bad for him but I honestly can't go. Why only if I went though? Okay this was getting awkward, I need to change the subject.

"So should we make this our usual hang out place when its nice outside?" I asked. He nodded with a smile on his lips. His smile always made me smile since it was so cute.

"Why do you need to wear glasses? You look nice without them" he told me. My cheeks turned pink as my lips turned upwards.

"I don't really need them anymore according to my optician but I feel really weird without them" I told him. He nodded and drunk his juice again. "What about you?" I asked him.

"Uh I've been told to use contacts but they hurt my eyes" he told me. I nodded and we sat in silence just enjoying the quietness. Just then we heard the bell go off so we threw our stuff in the bin and ran to Art. We had it double again for last 2 periods so I might enjoy it.

"Okay class this is your last period to finish off your pictures and then they are going on the wall outside, I've put your portraits so far on your tables so get to work" our teacher said to us. We continued with our painting and within 25 minutes it was done. We smiled and looked down at our 'masterpiece".

We drew a pair of geeky glasses and each side represented each of our personalities. My side of the glasses was red and his were green but we had the glasses black and just blended the colours through the rims. Inside the lens we had everything from our favourite food to our hobbies.

Our teacher walked over at that moment and she smiled when she saw our painting. I had never saw her smile before so I was surprised at the least.

"That's wonderful, well done guys, you can have a free period for finishing so early" our teacher told us. We nodded and thanked her before running out the class.

"So what shall we do?" he asked and my face lit up.

"Well since everyone's still in school and it'll be empty, why don't we go to the park?" I said with a giant smile on my face. Marcel nodded and we ran to the park. It was only about 10 minutes away from my house so it was slightly longer from school but it didn't really matter.

As soon as I passed through the familiar blue gate I ran straight to the swings and threw my bag on the ground before hopping on. Marcel done the same and we swung as high as we could. At a certain point I jumped off and done a random pose in the air before falling to the ground perfectly.

Marcel tried but he landed in the grass on his bum. I couldn't help but laugh as he got up and had a bright red face. I couldn't stop laughing and eventually I had tears streaming down my face and my tummy was hurting. Marcel was standing with a smirk on his face as I tried - and failed - to control my laughter.

After about 5 minutes I went silent from laughing so hard and eventually -after much effort - I managed to stop. "You okay now?" Marcel asked with a smile taking over his face. I smiled back and my cheeks went a little pink.

Just then he started laughing and his laugh was so cute that I ended up laughing again but it wasn't as strong as last time. W ended up sitting on the grass and laughing at embarrassing stuff. I felt drips land on my cheeks. Marcel must of felt it as well as we both looked up at the sky to see rain pouring. We laughed as we got soaked in the rain.

"Come on" Marcel said to me as he took my hand and helped me up. We ran hand in hand over to a covered up bit. We hid under and laughed at how messed up we looked. I accidentally tripped on a twig at my leg and fell forward onto Marcel. We both fell and he accidentally fell on me. We had both stopped laughing by now and we were just staring at each other. I don't know why but I felt like I physically couldn't move or speak.

"L-lily" Marcel whispered, barely audible. He blinked and kept looking at me. I couldn't speak at all and just kept looking at him. I felt him moving forward towards me but I couldn't do anything. I felt paralysed and hypnotised by his gorgeous eyes. I blinked and as soon as my eyes opened, they shut again almost immediately because it was in that moment he pressed his lips to mine.

oooooohhhhh cliffhanger:) What do you think? I was meant to update yesterday but I'm so sorry, my mum took me to a salon and got me acrylic nails so its hard to type on my laptop which meant it took longer than it should so I'm very sorry. So yeah what do you think? I actually really liked this chapter:) So yeah what about a vote or comment? Thanksss love you all

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