chapter one-life is what you make of it

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Hey hey x Ok so a bit about this book.  I've been thinking about this story for awhile and i honestly think that if you stick with it you wont be disappointed. I can't promise I'll update every  week or even every two but I will eventually do it. If I haven't it's not because I'm leaving the story it's just that I'm trying to get my head around what way I'm going to present the next chapter.
Anyways  thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it x
* all rights reserved **

The room was damp and cold and reminded me of a prison cell, not that I'd ever been in one before, all I had were movies to go on. The walls were concrete grey as was the floor and ceiling. The door sat opposite me, a force of sheer will that dared me to try and get out of it. I sat against the opposing wall on an old cot that's frame was one bounce away from snapping and had springs that dug into your skin. It had a thin pillow and a thin as paper and sickly green bedsheet on it. My back was flat against the wall as I stared unseeingly at the door. A bulb hung from the centre of the ceiling and provided very dim light to the room.
I had the distinct feeling I was underground under the Savage Biker Club compound. My arm had broke out in purple bruises from when he had manhandled me. I wasn't sure how long it had been but I knew it had to have been hours that I had been in here. Resting my head back against the wall with my eyes closed, I contemplated my decision to come here.
It hadn't been my first idea, or even my second but after weeks of fretting it finally dawned on me that I wouldn't be safe without help from someone who feared nothing. I wouldn't have ever come, I knew that myself but I was in trouble, trouble I could not deal with. I had to take into account that it was no longer just me that I had to worry about.
I knew it was a long shot that he would even look at me, let alone remember me and help me but when you're desperate you'll do just about anything.
Turns out I was right about him not being too pleased because I hadn't taken two steps from the car before I found myself roughly marched into the compound and down a series of stairs before being shoved into the room I found myself in right now. Evidence would suggest that his memory had suddenly come back and he knows who I am, however it would appear he isn't feeling half as friendly as he was last time he saw me.
Taking a deep breath as I shoved that nights events from my head, I was about to breathe it out slowly when the sound of a lock turning and a door slamming open stopped me.
I opened my eyes.

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