chapter thirty one- Haven't you heard the rumours?

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Millie's p.o.v 

"No. I said no" I snapped pushing away from Cut, I walked toward the compound, one hand brushing through my hair angrily. It was mid morning, the sun shining bright above us. He grabbed my other hand and pulled me back.
"Hell yes, you're not saying no to me, Millie" he growled.
"Tough because I just did. How can you even ask me that? Anyways, answers no" I snapped back into his faced. He narrowed his eyes back at me, anger scrawled across every angle of his face. "And there is nothing you can do about it!" I slammed my hands down on my hips.
"Don't push me, sweetheart" he said roughly. "I'll make it happen one way or another" I stomped my foot into the ground and glared in fury at him and he returned my glare in kind.
"Jesus you guys okay?" Aines voice came from the door of the compound. 
Turning to glare at her I saw Layla and Tara stood with her, all of them looking warily between me and Cut who were leaning threateningly toward each other.
"We will be"  Cut answered at the same time. I turned my glare back to Cut.
"Oh dear" Layla mumbled.
" I said no, I'm allowed to say no" my voice was getting hysteric.
"No . you're. Not" Cut rumbled back leaning down over me further.
"Excuse me Cut it was a 'will you' question which means it gets a yes or no answer and I gave it!" I snapped.
"Not this question it doesn't baby, not with us" he shot back.
"Can I ask what question that is?" Aine asked timidly raising her hand like a student in class.
"No" Cut growled.
"He asked me to marry him!" I scoffed and got a deadly glare from Cut. Gasps came from each woman with a few curses muttered here and there.
"Millie, this is the spot I saw you for the first time after eight years without you, this spot being the spot that reminds me how fucking lucky I am you decided you needed my help. You do not get to say no to me here, here is where the impossible is possible" He's words were low by the end of his sentence, meant only for me. Hysterically all I could think about whispering back to him was "the possimpible" but now was not the time for dorky Barney Stinson jokes.
"I-I can't. I said no" my voice had lost its power, something else taking its place and the anger leaked out of his face. He stared at me for a few seconds  that dragged into a minute before he slowly nodded.
"Ok Millie. You said no. It's going to be okay" he agreed before giving me a kiss on the forehead.
"Ok sorry but what? Are you joking? Hell no, she says yes!" Aine spluttered marching slowly over to us seen as she couldn't really march due to injury but somehow managed to make what she was doing be marching.
"Aine" Cut sigh pulling me close, "she said no. Leave it" he said gently. She blanched.
"I'm sorry what?" She spluttered again, slamming her hands on her hips. I saw Tara and Layla bite their lips in the background.
"It's our time to head out now, we'll see you soon" Cut said shuffling me toward his bike and away from Aine.
The whole way I could feel her gaze of disbelief glued to me. Getting on Cuts bike I didn't look at them as we left.

We had rode for hours across country, only stopping to use a bathroom in a petrol station, then back home. We arrive around five in the evening to the house. Cut had been quiet the  whole time; it was making me nervous. Taking my hand he walked us leisurely up the driveway into the house.
"Go get ready, baby. We're going for dinner, wear a pretty dress, we're going somewhere nice" he said quietly turning away from me.
" get why right? I just, marriage isn't in me" I said softly.
"Babe, what did I say?" He said looking back at me, something hidden in his eyes.
"You said it was going to be okay" I whispered unsure of myself.
"Exactly", he nodded. "Go put on a pretty dress, reservation is at half seven" he smiled small at me before disappearing into the kitchen.
"Reservation " I repeated the word before walking up the stairs, a sinking feeling in my gut.

Silence still surrounded us as we sat in the car, music on low. I had my hair up in an elegant twist because the black dress I was wearing was backless. When Cut had seen me his eyes had hardened in a way that made me feel tingles all over. He had taken my hand and had lead me to the car. We drove through town and pulled left toward the compound.
"Why are we-" I started.
"Just need to pick something up baby, and have a quick word with Switch" Cut interrupted not looking at me.
Pulling up he jumped out and went inside, never looking back. Looking around I took in all the bikes that were parked on the grounds.  Sitting back in my seat I settled into waiting on him. He didn't make me wait long though and he wasn't alone when he returned.
Hopping from the car I met himself, Aine and Layla at the front of the vehicle. The girls were dressed in fancy dresses.
"Girls what are you-" I was cut short by Cut taking my hands.
"Millie."he spoke clearly,  wanting my attention.
"What's going on Cut?" I asked, that sinking feeling getting deeper in my stomach.
"Inside there's a priest waiting for us. Our family is in there as well Millie. Since the day I met you I was meant to marry you and I'm finally getting that. Your girls have you sorted, all you have to do is go around back with them and get ready. I love you, I'm not living without you and I'll be waiting inside for you Millie" he spoke softly.
"But I said no" I whispered, tears filling my eyes.
"And I said it was going to be okay. And it will be, as soon as you say I do and tie yourself every way you can to me and I do the same to you" he slid a princess cut ring onto my  ring finger and then kissed my cheek.  Letting go of me he walked back toward the compound.
"I'll be waiting for you, Millie." he said before disappearing inside. Silence surrounded us as the girls sniffed and took deep breaths to get themselves under control.
"Millie oh my" Aine spoke gently interrupting my chants of "Oh god oh jesus". Stepping forward she took one arm as Layla took the other.
"I can't Aine I can't" I whispered as we reached the door at the side of the compound. Turning to face me, Aine took my hands in hers.
"When we were eighteen, drunk  on that beach back Connemara talking about nothing, which was everything, what did you tell me about the beach?" Aine asked and a new wave of tears hit my eyes.
"Babe" I whispered back and she shook my hands firmly.
"What did you say?" She demanded softly.
"I said I couldn't wait to bring my family to the beach when I grew up" I whispered back.
"And?" She demanded once again and the tears spilled over this time.
"And watch my husband teach our kids not to be afraid of the ocean" my voice broke on my admission.  I heard Layla take a deep breath too.
"Exactly. Appropriate word there being 'husband'." she smiled.
"You've always been dreaming about that glass conservatory and I'll be damned if I'll let you run scared now." she whispered touching her forehead to mine before opening the door behind me.
"Dress is in there Babe, put it on and we'll meet you out here. Everyone's waiting on you" Layla said smiling pure joy at me.

This was it. I was standing in a sleeveless, tea length lace, taffeta a-line dress. It had a sweetheart neckline and hand-beaded natural waist with a high-low hemline. It hugged perfectly and showed off more of my legs in the front than the back, but had an elegant low hemline on the back, that because of the dresses sophisticated look didn't appear tacky. On my feet were a pair of small diamond encrusted strappy heels and I held a small bouquet of blue roses in my hands.
"Millie, you look beautiful" Layla commented as I approached where they stood waiting for me.
"I'm going to puke" I replied and Aines laugh rang out.
"Just wait until he sees you. So everyone is set up out back, the party is inside. All you have to do is walk behind us ok?" Aine smiled at me, tears shining in her eyes.  I nodded, throat suddenly clogged.
Layla went first walking around the corner and out to where everyone was.
"Count to five" Aine winked over her shoulder at me before disappearing around the corner too. Slowly I took a deep breath and forced myself to walk forward before I chicken out and ran.
It was small, only the club's people sat on chairs looking back at me, Cut wasn't lying  about only our family being here. It was perfect. 
Breathing in and out slowly, I took in their faces. The smiles of happiness and pure cockiness that they had gotten me here. Cut had some explaining to do on how he had pulled this off.
Speaking of, I looked to the front where he was, smiling beautifully down at me. He was in his cut and a new pair of jeans from what I could see. He had fixed his hair to make it look effortlessly sexy whether he meant to do that or not. My steps faltered when I noticed Fiachra standing by his side smiling hugely,  completely crookedly, at me. I felt the tears slip free and with them a laugh broke from my lips as well. I couldn't stop smiling. It was a beautiful site to see, father and son standing before me like that.
Coming to a standstill infront of Cut I watched him as the priest started the short ceremony.

It was later in the evening, the children had all gone to bed a long time ago but the party was still in full swing.
Cut was at my side his arm wrapped tight around me as we watched our family have fun around us. Tipping his head so his lips touched my forehead he asked me, "you happy baby?".
Looking up into his eyes, I smiled.
"You. This. Us. Forever?" I whispered back. He rubbed his nose against mine, a new light shining in his eyes.
"And Fiachra" he added and I smiled thinking about our boy.
"And Fiachra" I agreed looking back out toward everyone dancing, hearing the boisterous laughter in the air. It sounded like freedom.
"And the three other children I'm going to plant in your belly, baby " he commented casually and I swung to look at him once again.
"Three?" I asked in shock and he looked away from his brothers to smile down at me.
"Hectic house, sweetheart" he kissed me, pouring everything that he meant into that kiss and, boy, was it a lot. Best kiss he had given me, bar the one he gave me after the words 'I do' left his beautiful mouth. 
"We have time, want a decent honeymoon before I knock you up again" he commented pulling his lips from mine and I could already see the honeymoon he would want and what it would entail.
"Excuse me, you don't 'knock me up', we get pregnant, darling" I snapped and he grinned down at me.
"Sweetheart" was the only reply I got before he looked back out at the main floor that had been turned into at dance floor. Watching him I saw how the smile wiped from his face as a frown took its place and I turned to look at what he was watching.
Aine was storming away from a very pissed off Switch who was hot on her tail. No one had seen them, I noticed as I quickly looked around us. Tara was outside with Layla having a fag I think. Looking back I saw Aine pull her arm from Switchs hold and spit angry words at him before pushing out of the compound and leaving, undetected by anyone but me and Cut. I watched as Switch scrubbed his hand down his face before turning and disappearing down a hall way. 
"That was... strange" I commented and Cut gave my waist a squeeze.
"Not our business, babe" he replied. I scoffed because he was such a lad and he laughed before kissing me senseless.
"You happy baby?" I asked him his question back.
"Can't imagine life gets much better than this right here. My woman in my arms, my brothers around me and my son tucked warm at home" he whispered back and with that sentence I left the last of it leave me. That deep sinking feeling inside me had slowly been leaking out of me and was being replaced with something so much more exquisite.
I understood what Aine had meant all those years ago as I looked around the compound at the life before me. I finally understood because I felt the same.
I finally felt free.

The End.

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