Chapter 1

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"Tonight we are victorious!" I sang loudly as I flipped a pancake and caught it in the frying pan. I had awoken earlier than I had wanted to and failed miserably when trying to get back to sleep, so I decided to make Steve breakfast.
"You're up early." Commented Stark as he yawned and placed his bum on a bar stool. He went to pick up a pancake but I slapped his hand away.
"Tony, they're for Steve, don't touch!" I said sternly. I gave him the death stare and he slowly backed away. I placed the plate with the pancakes on the tray with a cup of coffee for Steve and tea for me, being the British women I was.

"Wakey wakey, Steve. I brought you breakfast." I hummed as I placed the tray at the end of the bed. "Babe. Steve wake up. STEVE!" I shouted.
"Wha...! (Y/N) babe is everything okay?" He spoke so fast his words tripped over themselves. I giggled.
"Everything's fine Steve. I made you breakfast." I smiled at him and pecked him on the cheek before climbing in the spare side of the bed. He sighed with relief.
"I was having the best dream," said Steve with his mouth full of pancake. "We were living in our own little flat with the cutest baby girl EVER!" I blushed.
"Maybe that dream could become a reality one day. Maybe soon." I winked at him. We had been dating for almost 2 years, ever since I joined The Avengers. For about a month now I had been dropping hints to Steve about maybe getting married and starting our own family. But nothing had happened. Yet.

2 Months Later

I had given up on the hints, I had decided that Steve will ask when he is ready. When that will be, I don't know. I was Sat on Steve's lap talking to Nat and Clint about their relationship. They had only just started going out and yet they were already talking about getting married. "Steve. When are you planning to propose exactly? I know (Y/N) has been dying to get married to you for I while now."
"Nat!" I muttered "Please don't push it." She had understood; I wasn't denying wanting to marry Steve but I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable. Luckily Bruce joined us before the conversation could go any further.

We had decided to watch a film; The Fault In Our Stars. I usually can stay awake during a film but something about sitting next to Steve made me feel tired. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "I love you Steve. So very much."
"I love you too (Y/N)." He kissed the top of my head just as I fell to sleep.

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