Chapter 7

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"Hello Miss (Y/L/N)"
"Hey Jarvis. Where is everbody?"
"Upstairs 5th level"
"Thanks J. It's good to hear you again"
"Likewise (Y/N)"
I walked into the elevator and pushed the button for level 5 and the doors closed. It was a couple of seconds before the doors opened again and when they did, Wow. The living area was full of people, some of them I recognized from SHIELD and some I didn't recognize at all. I wandered over to the bar and placed my bum on a stool.
"(Y/ N)!" I spun around to see Tony walking towards me a little drunk even though it was only 8:10pm.
"Hi Tony," I said giving him a hug "how are you?"
"I'm good. How are you?"
"I'm cool. Thanks for inviting me to the party" I managed to shout over the music and laughter.
"No Problem, look (Y/ N), I have to chat to my guests like Pepper told me to and I suggest you do the same." He gave a look that I didn't understand. "Come on. It's been 6 months since the thing happened and it's time you move on." Oh. That's what he meant. Maybe he's right, maybe it's time I did move on.
"Thanks Tony. I'll keep it in mind"
"Good. See you later"
"See you Stark."

It's now 9:30 and I'm still sat at the bar. I was beginning to start asking myself about why I came. Leaving seemed the only option right now so as I was finishing my drink, I heard a voice beside me.
"Hey. Why don't I get another one of those for you?" I span around in my seat to see a man sat next to me with a small cheeky smile on his face. "Hey"
"Hey. I'm alright on the drink front, actually, I was about to go." I smiled apologetically.
"Please, just one and if you really feel like leaving after that than I will let you go" I stared into his blue eyes, they were a little darker than Steve's but non the less beautiful.
"Okay. I'm (Y/F/N)"
"Hi (Y/ N). I'm Chris Evans."
"It's lovely to meet you Mr. Evans"
"Likewise and please, call me Chris" I nodded and studied his face. He had blue eyes, like I said, and browny blonde hair with a beard. He was wearing a a grey shirt and some jeans. I had to admit, something about him reminded me of Steve. Stop, (Y/ N) have to move on.

We spent a couple of hours chatting about lots of things ranging from his dog to my car. Then a slow song came on.
"(Y/ N), would you like a dance?" Chris asked sweetly, holding out his hand.
"Sure Chris." I said taking it and walking through the crowd to a space on the Dance floor. He placed his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We danced slowly and gracefully, and I had to admit I really enjoyed it. I was staring into his eyes and he was staring into mine but then something killed the mood, for me anyway. My mind was on Steve.
"I shouldn't be doing this, it's wrong. What about Steve". Even though I knew that Steve was dead something about dancing with Chris felt wrong, deceitful. I broke free of Chris' grasp.
"Sorry but I have to leave"
I ran towards the exit. I can't believe I ruined a perfect moment, a moment to get on with my life but I couldn't turn back; it would be to hard to explain to Chris. I reached the elevator and hit the button hard. I turned around in the tiny box as the doors starting closing and I saw Chris running towards me, a concerned look on his face. I mouthed another apology as the doors closed.

I ran home. I unlocked my door and then slammed it shut. UGH! I was really liking Chris but I couldn't do that to him. I knew I wasn't over Steve still and dating Chris would only be cruel. I fell onto my bed and cried into my pillow. Why? For the first time in a long time I was having fun and not thinking about what happened 6 months ago, and I blew it. I know Chris probably hates me right now for ditching him. Jeesh, my social life has really changed, and not for the better.

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