Chapter 6

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(Y/B/F/N)= your best friends name

I love my new apartment. It's so warm and cosy and the neighbours are lovely, some of them even knew Steve. It's been a couple of weeks after what happened and I think it's finally sunk in. The team wanted a memorial service for him but I didn't agree to. Steve wouldn't want a big fuss. I kept Natasha informed of what was happening just like she asked me too but nothing ever was. I had gone back to my job and started to get back to normal but I knew nothing was ever gonna be the same.

6 months later

It has been a couple of months now and the pain and grief has slowly gone away. A couple of weeks ago it would all come flooding back if I saw something as simple as his favourite ice cream flavour or I heard his favourite song on the radio. But now that doesn't really happen any more. The last time I cried because of Steve was when I saw a little boy running around with a Cap shield.

Today was the first day that I was going back to the tower; Tony was throwing a party and lots of his friends were coming. As was Jane, Pepper and Darcy. Plus lots of SHIELD agents; they couldn't miss a Stark party. I didn't know what to wear so, like I always did, I called my best friend: (Y/B/F/N).
"Hey, I need help."
"Stark's throwing a party and it's the first time I will be at the tower since... well you know. Anyway, I can't find anything to wear!"
"Okay, okay. I hear you. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Get every dress out and hang them up. See you in a sec."
"Thanks! See you in a sec"
I then hung up the phone and did exactly what she told me and like she said she was here in 5 minutes. She opened the door and started running up the stairs (it's okay. She has a key).
"Alright. Let's have a look" she started walking up and down the row of dresses. Ever so often she would pick one up, study it and then put it back on the rail. I was starting to loose my patience when she picked up a mint dress.
"Go and try it on"
"No. I can't"
"Why not (Y/ N)?"
"This was the dress I wore when Steve Proposed. I can't"
She sighed. "Okay. Well the rest of the dresses won't work so... Let's look at the other clothes you have."
She started opening my drawers and then threw me an outfit (picture above). I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. I had to admit I looked incredible. I stepped out of my bedroom into the living room where (Y/B/F/N) stood.
"Oh wow! 10 points to Me!" She exclaimed and I laughed. I went back into my room and did my makeup.
"Hey (Y/ N)" (Y/B/F/N) called "I have to go. Good luck with the party!"
"Will do! And thanks again for the outfit!" She closed the door and I finished applying my mascara. I looked at the time: 7:45pm. That gave me 15 minutes to get there. I put on my shoes and my bag (Also in the picture above) and headed out the door.

As I walked down the street, I saw the tower covered in balloons and other decorations, Tony had really gone all out on this. I walked up to the door and gave me invite to a man outside. He opened the door and whispered
"Have fun. But be careful. I heard Mr. Stark's parties can get a bit out of hand sometimes"
"Thanks" I chuckled and walked in. As far as I knew, this was just a normal party. What I didn't know was that it could change my life forever.

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