Chapter 27

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8.5 months later
Your POV
"LOKI" I scream for the 6th time. Praying that this time he will finally hear me. I feel another Contraction run through my body and I scream in pain, grabbing the door frame to stop myself from collapsing. The pain slowly died away, as my Husband's face appeared before me.
"Yes? Is everything okay?" I roll my eyes.
"Yes, everything is perfectly fine. I'm just, you know, In labour." Loki's eyes widen and before I know it, I'm being carried down the stairs by him, to the nurse.
Steve's POV
It's happening I can tell.
Your POV
I grip his arm as more pain takes over, reaching every inch of my fibre. I stop myself from screaming, just. I feel myself being placed on a bed and a doctor arriving.
"Ma'am, I suggest you start pushing, now" I do as he says.
Steve's POV
"NAT!" I yell from the living room. She came running in, a look on her face.
"You feel it too. That (Y/N) has gone into labour." I nodded and held my head in my hands.
"I'm supposed to be there for her Nat. To be there and hold her hand, tell her everything is going to be okay. And where is she? With her newly wed husband as I sit here and hear her scream in my head."
Nat rested her head one my shoulder. We sat there for moments until a gleaming blue light erupted from the corner of the room.
"Mr Rogers, I believe this is a portal." What the hell?
"To where Jarvis?" I had a feeling I didn't want to know.
"Asgard." Dammit. I sighed and rested my head in my hands. What am I supposed to do with this?
"Uhhh Steve, someone is coming through" My sight shifted up. And sure enough there was someone walking through, someone who looked incredibly familiar...

Your POV
"Congratulations Ma'am. You have a beautiful baby Girl." She really was beautiful but something wasn't right. She looked a little like me but she didn't look anything like Loki. She had baby blue eyes and the little hair she had was clearly blonde. She looked like another man I loved once, a s.. Sam? No, Scott? Definitley not. Sebastian? No... STEVE!
I stared down at the little life I held in my arms. The little girl that didn't belong to the man standing next to me. And as if a storm had just brewwed in my brain, a wave of memories came flodding back. My 14th birthday, the First time I heard the name Steve Rogers, the first time I met him. I remember the day he asked me to marry him, and the day he 'died', and how I was happy with 'Chris'. And perhaps my most precious visions, finding out I was pregnant and our wedding day. But with those came fear. The fear of what Steve would think about a baby, especially with his career going well. And the thing that stared all of this; the crash.
"Get away from me." I glared at Loki. His eyes from confusion to knowing all. "You are not the man I love. Not the father of my child. You disgust me." I spat at him before running out of the room, still clutching my sleeping daughter to my chest. The door slammed behind me as I fell onto the bed.
I was trapped here. I was trapped in a city I don't really know (Loki kept me in the castle for the majority of the time) far away from a man who is undoubtly wandering where I was. Every memory I had came flying through my brain one at a time and I looked at every one of them as they flew past. But as I looked, the longing to go home got bigger and bigger. I missed these people and I wanted to be with them again, where I'm supposed to be. I couldn't take it. I wipped the tears from my face. "I want to go home, now" A gleaming blue light erupted from the corner of the room. It looked like a portal, as if domeone had heard my plea.

I didn't want to stay in that place longer than I neeeded to. Stepping through was one of the most terrifying things I have ever done. It took what felt like forever to get to the other sides, it was like a corridor of swirling, cold, blue air. But finally I did. I reached the light at the end of the tunnel, litererally. I was greeted by faces I knew.
"(Y/N)!!!!!" Steve came running towards me and once again the tears began to fall. My husband reached me and pressed his lips to mine. We seperated and his eyes fell to the sleeping child I held, somehow she slept through all of this. "She's beautiful (Y/N). She looks just..."
"Like you. She looks so much like her daddy, Steve." I placed his daughter in his arms and immediately she reached out and grabbed one of his fingers with her tiny hands. You could see in his eyes that his heart just grew.
This was where I'm supposed to be. With my friends and my new family. I'm finally home.

HEY! So sorry it's been about six years since I last updated. But MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!!!
So 2K16 was kinda shit. So many people died that didn't need to be taken, things happened in Politics that didn't need to happen and it's all been a bit Meh. But 2k17 is gonna be so much better because the new Sherlock is starting soon. More movies will be made and more memories as well.
So I want to raise an imaginary glass and say "Screw you 2K16 and bring on 2K17!!"
Anyway, thanks for reading and I will see you all soon... ish.
Alice xxx

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