Chapter 18: Wedding part 1

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A/N: CONGRATULATIONS! It's your wedding day! Please choose a dress from above or if you have a dress in mind already that works too. Enjoy your special day! Xx

9:30 am, Your POV:
Ugh, alarm. Why do you have.... oh yeah. I jumped off the Sofa bed at Kelly's apartment. I ran straight for her room and jumped on her bed.
"Wake up! KELLY wake up!"
"No (Y/N) leave me al..." She had the same thing I did. She sat up quickly and looked at me.
"I KNOW! AHHHHHHH!" We were screaming and jumping on the bed for a good 5 minutes before we calmed down.
"Okay, now we have that out the way, let's eat. I need to have food!" We chuckled and wandered our way into Kelly's kitchen grabbing food and coffee.

Steve's POV:
I didn't sleep a wink last night; I was too excited. Today was the day. I was going to marry the love of my life and I just couldn't wait. I quickly got out of bed and walked into the kitchen where I bumped into Tony.
"Good Morning, Capsicle. How is the Husband-to-be this morning?"
"To be honest Tony, excited but also very nervous"
"It's gonna be okay Cap. We're here for you and I know that (Y/ N) loves you. Just relax."
"Thanks Tony"
"Anytime. Thor will be back in time for the ceremony but only a little before; something to do with Loki. Any how, Clint, Bruce and I will be in your room later to help you get dressed. Now I have important Wedding to plan and you have food to eat. Clint made it so be careful."
Chuckling, I nodded my head and walked towards the kitchen.
Pancakes, Clint had made pancakes and they were surprisingly good. Natasha's cooking skills must have rubbed off on him.
I finished them off and went to have a shower. Only a few hours left.

10:45am, Your POV

Everybody was here; Natasha, Jane, Darcy, Kelly (obviously as it is her apartment), Maria, Pepper, Wanda and (Y/B/F/N). They were all helping me with my make up and hair. we were chatting away when I suddenly got a text from Steve
S: Good Morning My beautiful girl. I hope all is well. I just wanted to say that I love you and I can't wait to walk down that aisle today with you as my wife. See you soon. S xxx
Y/E: Good morning my handsome man. We are all fine and I hope you are too. I can't wait to change my name to Rogers I love you so much. See you soon xxxxx

I then had my phone taken from me and chucked onto the sofa because 'no contact with the groom until later' thanks Darcy.
"Okay. Now hair and makeup is done, let's get into our dresses and then we can help (Y/ N) with hers."

Steve's POV

I had had my shower and I was now stood in my room, suit in front of me. I was about to put it on when Bruce, Stark and Clint came bursting into my room.
"Ahh! Guys!"
"Bloody Hell Cap! You are FIT!"
"Nice observation Clint."
"Are you still annoyed at me?"
"YES! Your girlfriend injected me with disabling serum and I couldn't walk for days!" I remember that. It was so much fun to watch. But soon it turned into a fully blown argument and I was just stood there in my underwear trying to understand what is going on.
"It was hysterical Tony and it didn't do you any damage.
"I have to get dressed..."
"Hello? I'm supposed to be getting married in 45 minutes can you please SHUT UP?!?!"
"Oh yeah sorry Cap, let's get you dressed."
And in 15 minutes I was dressed in my suit, my hair washed and neatly combed. I quickly texted (Y/ N) and once I had gotten a reply, switched it off.
"We should get going if we want to say hello to the guests."
So we set off to the venue; it was a wooded area with a Summer hut at the top of a stone path. White chairs had been set out on either side of the path. Summer flowers decorated the hut and chairs as the Sun leaked through the canopy of tree leaves. It truly was perfect.
"The girls did an amazing job didn't they."
"They really did Bruce, they really did."

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