Chapter 10

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A/N: 600 Reads! Thanks so much guys! Hopefully I will start updating more often but don't hold me to that!

One year later

I walked into the living room of mine and Chris' apartment. He was whispering violently on the phone to someone before hanging up and sighing.
"Who was that? It sounded heated" I asked Chris as he sat on the sofa.
"Ummm, a friend. He wanted to, um, meet up. Do you wanna cup of tea?" And he scurried into the kitchen. I didn't believe his story, not one bit, but I didn't want to dig any deeper.

Time skip

Chris got up from the sofa and gave me a quick peck on the lips before heading off to bed. As he closed the door behind him, his phone went off. I walked over to it and unlocked it. I opened his texts and read what was before me.
N Fury: Steve, I know you don't want to, but we, the S.H.I.E.L.D agents, believe that you should tell (Y/ N) the truth. Because if you don't, I will.
What?!?! I walked into the bedroom, Chris' phone in hand. Chris or Steve, whoever it is, sat in bed reading. I handed him his phone, the text on the screen.
"What the bloody hell does that mean?!?" I almost shouted at the man in front of me, once I had seen he had finished reading. Chris paused before replying to me.
"It's true. I, I am Steve. I never died. I'm sorry (Y/ N)." A tear ran down my cheek.
"YOU BASTARD! WHY THE F*** DID YOU NOT TELL ME! I, I TRUSTED YOU!" I grabbed my handbag, shoved on my shoes and ran out of the apartment.

I knew exactly where I was going. I yanked open the door to the tower and ran to the elevator. I clicked for the 7th level: the Avengers living room. As soon as the doors opened I ran out.
"Did you you know? About Steve?" I asked the group.
"(Y/ N), he died 2 years ago." Natasha answered with a frown. I opened my mouth to reply but Tony beat me to it.
"Actually Natasha. He didn't. He's still alive." A gasp ran round the room. The elevator doors opened revealing Nick and Agent Hill. I glared at the pair and sat next to Natasha who was currently starring into space.
"(Y/N). I'm sorry we didn't tell you the situation but we thought it best if Steve stayed under cover for a while." I blinked back tears before speaking again.
"I trusted you. You knew all this time, you saw the pain I went through. And then when 'Chris' and I started dating the lie only got bigger. I don't ever want anything to do with you or S.H.I.E.L.D or Steve ever again. Do you understand?" He nodded before he joined Maria in the lift.

Natasha and I had been sitting in the room for over an hour when I decided I needed some sleep.
"Hey Nat, do you mind if I stay here for a while?" She nodded "Thanks. I take it it's the same room as before?" I chuckled before saying goodnight to the team.

I walked towards the door and opened it revealing my old room. It was just how I remembered it. The 3 white walls and then the blue wall at the back. The desk on the left wall by the window. The white shelves that held photos, books and other stuff I had collected. I opened my draws to find some of my old clothes; the ones I had left behind. On top was a picture of me and the team and another one of just me and Steve. Nothing was covered in dust because Pepper had cleaned it with the other rooms. God Bless that woman. I hopped into the shower and once I had finished I found some of my old clothes in the wardrobe. I shoved on an over sized top and some joggers before climbing into bed. It was just as comfy as it always had been and I fell asleep in no time at all.

Steve's/ Chris' POV:

I walked through the corridors of the helicarrier, receiving several weird looks from S.H.I.E.L.D workers.
Once I had reached the room I wanted, I knocked loudly on the door. A simple "Come in" was the reply and I pushed open the door.
"Captain Rogers, what are you doing here?" Fury asked. '
"She knows. She read the text you sent me and now she knows."
"I know." was his only reply. He typed into his tablet and beckoned me to follow him.

I hope you guys had a good Easter. Or whatever you celebrate. Anyways thanks again for 600 Reads. I didn't think I was gonna get 100 but here we are.
Alice xx

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