Chapter 23

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Steve's POV

This is clearly a joke. She wouldn't leave with Loki. (Y/N) isn't stupid, she would know who he is...

Unless he changed his appearance so that he looked like me. He's done it before, so why not again.

This is all my fault. If I hadn't gotten drunk, if I hadn't played all those games of poker...

But if I hadn't played those games, she would probably still be in the coma.

I don't have time for this, I have to find her. Natasha's on the phone speaking frantically, must be Fury she's talking to. Kelly's just arrived. She looks hopeful and excited to see her friend again. Oh but wait, she can't. Clint is quick to answer her questioning looks. And, great now she's crying. Come on girl pull yourself together. We don't need wailing women right now.
"STEVE!" Oh right must have said that out loud. What? It's what I do when I'm stressed.
"Sorry. But we need to find her."
"Agreed, Captain." Oh hello Fury. Great. Guess who's here too; Sharon. Why can't that woman leave me alone.
"It's okay Stevie. Why don't you come back to mine for a drink while we find her?" THE HELL? Does this woman have no feelings apart from lust?
"No thanks. I need to concentrate on finding her fast."
"I think I might know where the lady might be." Thor. Right on time to save me from this woman.
"Loki has taken (Y/ N) to either Asgard or, and I do not hope it is this option, Jotunheim, the land of the frost giants."
Uh. What?

Your Pov

Where am I? I don't remember anything. All I can see is a beautiful golden city and a rainbow road. Everything is so pretty and posh; I'm clearly in some sort of castle thing.
"(Y/ N), you are finally awake!" A man with long black hair approached me. He was wearing some sort of robe thing; green, black and gold it was. I didn't know who he was and yet he knew me.
"Uh, I don't know who you are? Where am I? Who am I?" A sadness crossed the man's face. I feel like shouldn't trust him.
"You're name is (Y/N) and you're in Asgard. I am Loki, you're finance; we were due to get married but you fell ill. And now it seems that the illness has effected your memory." Oh okay. I guess I can trust him. I mean he is my fiance right?

We sat there for a while, him telling me about us and our past, who I was and who he was. It was interesting and I couldn't help but feel like it was a story; the way our loved planned out. Loki has already planned another date for our wedding: 3 days from now. To be honest, I was excited. Loki seemed like a lovely man and I, even though my memory has gone, seem to remember something about him. Something affectionate or bad I have no clue. But I will marry him. Even if I don't love him now, I could learn to love him.
Plus, it appears as of nobody else loves me, so Loki will have to do.

A/N: HELLOOOOOO! I hope all your summers are going well. Speaking of summer, I'm going on holiday tomorrow so I won't be updating for a while as I probably won't write anything whilst I'm away. You know, to busy having fun and all that. Anyways.
Thanks for reading and I'll see you all in a bit!
Alice xx

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