Chapter 8

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I hadn't spoken to Tony since the party and that was 3 months ago. Today is June 13th. I sat on my bed with a cup of tea and some toast. I was staring at the wall when my phone went off. It was my Calendar.
'WEDDING DAY! ' was the message that filled my screen. Well there goes me trying not to cry. My phone Went off again but this time it was a text from Natasha.
Hey. Just wanted to say that I am aware of what today is and that if you want to come to hang out with me than that's fine. N xx

Hey. Thanks Nat but I'm just gonna have a day to myself but I might pop round later. Give my love to the guys. xx

Okay, that's fine. Hopefully see you later. xx

I closed my texts and threw my phone on the bed. I decided to go for a walk so I shoved on some jeans, my baggy jumper and my flats before grabbing my purse and leaving.

I was sat in the local Starbucks with a hot chocolate. All of a sudden this man came and sat next to me.
"Hey Lady"
"Wanna come back to mine. I just got a new mattress; it's incredibly bouncy" (A/N: sorry that was incredibly cheesy!) He gave me this flirtatious wink and I tried to signal for help but no one was paying any attention.
"No. Can you please leave me alone" Today was really not the day.
"Come on Lady. I know you want to."
"I said 'no'!" He clearly didn't understand. I felt his hand slide up my leg but before it could go any further, he was pulled out of his seat.

"You heard the woman. She said no. Go. Away"
"Yes sir. S-s-orry Sir" The man whimpered
"It's not me you need to apologize to." My 'saviour' placed the man back on the ground and turned him towards me.
"Sorry Madame" and he quickly ran away without a second look back.
"Thanks." I looked towards the man and gasped "Chris?"
"Hi (Y/ N)"
"Hey. Thanks for saving me back there. Please, take a seat." He smiled and sat across from me. We chatted for hours, taking my mind completely off of Steve. I looked at my phone and gasped for the second time today.
"Oh my gosh. Chris. It's late and I have somewhere to be. I'm sorry for running out on you the other day but I was a little confused."
"It's fine. Don't worry"
"I know but I feel terrible. Look, here's my number call me please." I quickly wrote my number on a napkin and handed it to him before leaving with a smile.

I quickly ran to the Stark, sorry, Avengers tower and walked through the door. It was 4:30pm. That gave me a while to chat to Natasha.
"Hey Jarvis! Where's Nat?"
"Hello Miss (Y/L/N). Miss Romanoff is on level 4 in the kitchen with the rest of the team."
Thanks J" I answered and hurried toward the elevator.
"No problem Miss."
I reached level 4 within seconds and the elevator doors opened with a ping. I walked out and into the kitchen to see Clint, Nat, Tony, Thor, Bruce and two people who I didn't recognize, arguing about what film to watch.

"Love Actually!" shouted one of the people I didn't recognised, apparently she watches it practically everyday ever since she joined.
"No! I have had enough of that film! I vote The Matrix!" Shouted Clint
"Me too!" Shouted Natasha
"You guys have horrible movie tastes. I choose The Jungle Book!" Said the other person I didn't recognize, in his thick Russian accent
"What are you 6??" Exclaimed Tony "I still think we should watch Aliens." He said with his 'mater-of-fact' voice.
"Ugh! I don't care anymore!" Cried Bruce who was clearly Fed up of this argument.
"You guys suck at choosing films. We should watch The Fault In Our Stars! Duh!" I smirked at the group of adults.
"(Y/N)!" Natasha came running over giving me a massive hug, nearly knocking me over.
"Hey Nat. How've you guys been?"
"Great. What about you?" Replied Bruce suddenly looking much happier.
"Well, you know. A bit on and off but I'm okay." I answered with a smile. Tony opened his mouth but I interrupted him. "Oh and do not say 'I'm Sorry' or mention what day it is or what happened or I will kill you. Understand?" They all nodded. I looked towards the siblings.
"You must be the new recruits. I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you at last."
"You too. I'm Wanda and this is my idiot of a brother, Pietro."
"Cool." I nodded toward both of them before continuing. "Shall we watch my film or am I gonna have to throw a 'today was supposed to be my wedding day' hissy fit because you know I will." I glared at everyone especially Tony.
"Hey! What did I do?" He questioned.
"Everything" Nat replied and we all laughed. It was so true.

We watched the film for about 30 minutes before Tony and Clint started a food fight. Thor slipped on some milk and landed on his bum.
"THE MIGHTY THOR HAS BEEN TAKEN DOWN BY SOME MILK!" Wanda shouted "ODIN WILL BE DISAPPOINTED!" I laughed and took a photo. 9 months without Steve and I still feel like family to these guys and they still feel like Family to me.

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