Chapter 22

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2 weeks after the last chapter
Steve's POV

(Y/ N) still hasn't woken up. I miss her. I miss her smile, I miss her hair, I miss how she laughs. I miss the way she hugs me when I leave for a mission. I miss her cooking. I miss, well I miss everything.
"Steve? We have to go. Duty calls."
"Thanks Nat. What are we doing again?"
"We're raiding a base nearby. Like we did a few days ago and like we will do for the last time. We went over this; 30 minutes ago."
"Oh right. Yeah sorry." I was constantly doing that these days. I shouldn't have accepted the mission from Fury; I'm just not ready. But nevertheless, I got ready, picked up my shield and walked out the door with Clint and Nat.

3 hours later
Nat's POV

We trudged back into the crappy motel room and fell onto our beds. It was an easy mission and we did it well but something about Steve was bad. He wasn't 'performing' as well as he used too. Probably (Y/ N). He keeps worrying about her, and to tell the truth, I am too. We all are.
"Okay, so not that this isn't fun, but I'm bored. Shall we play a game?"
"Like what? Monopoly for the grandad in the corner?"
"Funny Nat. Why not Poker?"
"You heard me. Poker. I'm sure there's gotta be some games downstairs."
"Steve, I meant like something between us. Friendly games. Like I dunno... snap?"
"Ha! No, I mean it. But of you two wimps wanna stay here that's fine by me, I'm still gonna go." It didn't take him long to get out of his Suit and into something more comfy, but he didn't waste time leaving afterwards. He simply grabbed his wallet and left, leaving Clint and me speechless in the room.
"I'm not going after him. He can look after himself."
"Not in this situation he can't. You saw how shit he was back there; he barely took down 10 people! We have to make sure he's okay."
"You can go if you like but I'm staying. Besides we have wedding planning to do."
"Don't you think we should wait until (Y/N) is better. Plus, we haven't told anybody about it yet."
"Fine. But I'm still not going after Steve." He nodded and turned on the TV.
"So. Welcome back to 2005 folks. We're going right back to the beginning of Supernatural."

10 hours later

I'm 10 episodes into Supernatural, Clint is asleep next to me and Steve still hasn't arrived back. Okay maybe I was wrong, maybe we should've gone with him but it's too late for that now.
"Clint. Clint. Clint. Clint." My God this man is a heavy sleeper. "Clint. Clint. Clint. CLINT. CLINT. CLINT FRANCIS BARTON." Nope. Nothing. Ah well. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
"AHHHHH!" Finally! "Was that really necessary?"
"Yes. You wouldn't wake up so the ice water was called. We need to find Steve. He hasn't come back yet."
"I told you"
"Now is not the time Clint" We made our way down the stairs and halls until we arrived in what looked like a games room. But instead of people spread about playing different things, there was this giant crowd of people around one table. Clint and I made our way through the crowd to the front where we saw the players. A huge man with a bushy beard and an old Brown coat. And there, across the table sat

Steven Grant Rogers

Clearly drunk off his face. I don't know how the hell that happened seeing as though he can't actually get drunk, but he was. Granted the other guy was too but not as bad as Steve. From the chanting, I discovered that the other guys name was Hagrid. What kind of name is that?
"I'm all in." What?
"Steve no. You don't have that kind of money."
"I'm not playing for money, Nat. We're playing for years. 25. And they're all going to (Y/ N)."
"Steve, that doesn't make any sense. What do you mean you're playing for years?" It was Clint's turn to question Rogers.
"If I win, 25 years will go to (Y/ N) and she will hopefully wake up."
"But what if you loose? What happens then?"
"25 years is added on to my life." No. No. No.
"Steve you can't! Even if you do win there's a chance (Y/ N) won't wake up and all this will be for nothing. And besides, you can't play Poker to save, your life. And in this case, I mean that literally." But despite our protests, he still plays.
"I'm sorry mate," oh God. How good is Hagrid's hand? "But aces full is a bloody good hand." A ripple of oooohs ran round the room. This is it. Good bye Steve Rogers.
"You're right." Steven... "But it's not as good as 4 fours." OH MY GOOD GOD!
"Don't you ever do that to us again you absolute ass crack!"
"All these go to (Y/N). Do I make myself clear?" Just ignore me then thanks! I put Steve's arm over my shoulder and Clint did the same. We gently pulled him out of his seat and walked out the door. We headed toward the forest where the Quin Jet was landed.
after laying the captain down on a bed, grabbing our stuff and checking out, we were off. I didn't take us long to get back to Stark tower. We landed the jet, walked out, and strolled into the tower. Steve now more awake than he was before his power nap, needed a drink but diet have time to get one.
"Captain It would appear that Mrs Rogers is awake." It worked. It had actor worked. He ran straight to the elevator and out the door. Clint and I hot on his heels.

We arrived with quite quickly. Apparently I can run fast when I need to. We ran into (Y/N)'s room only to find nurses tidying everything up.
"What's going on? Where's my wife?"
"Mrs Rogers was discharged 10 minutes by a friend of yours. I think he said he name was Lance? No wait Loki. What a weird name huh?!"
Oh no. Oh Please No. Anyone but Loki....


That be all.
Alice xx

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