Chapter 15

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I stayed well away from Loki whilst he stayed here. Nobody seemed to notice, well I thought no one noticed.
"Okay (Y/ N) what's up with you and reindeer games?" I finished pouring the milk into my tea and turned to look at Tony. I sighed.
"On the first night he stayed here, after I showed him his room, he told me that, and I quote, 'I've seen many photos of you but none compare to your beauty in the flesh' and now I'm worried because I'm supposed to be marrying Steve in 2 Months and I don't want Loki screwing everything up. Especially after what Steve and I have gone through."
Tony nodded.
"Tell Steve and then we'll decide what to do with the bastard." It was my turn to nod now. I decided I'll do it tonight, when it's just Steve and I.

Time skip brought to you by Natasha ballet dancing to swan lake

I was led in bed, Steve beside me. We were both reading, him now on Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire, me re-reading (Insert favourite book title here coz I'm to lazy to think of one). I suddenly thought that now wood be the time to talk to Steve.
"Hey Steve can I talk to you please?"
"Sure honey. Is everything okay? Are your nightmares getting worse?" He sounded worried.
"No. It's, it's just..." and I explained what I had said to Tony. Once I had finished I could see the burning anger in his eyes.
"I'm gonna kill him. I don't care if he's Thor's brother"
"Don't say things like that Steve. I hate him too but killing him is a little extravagant don't you think?" He looked at me and I could see his face soften.
"Okay, but if he does anything that makes you uncomfortable you tell me straight away." I nodded. Steve turned off the lights and we fell asleep.

The next day

I woke up to find myself completely alone in bed. Well I thought I was alone. I turned the light on and I glanced around the room. My eyes fell upon the arm chair by the window. It had someone in it and I assumed it was Steve. The man spoke.
"Good Morning beautiful." It was most definitely was NOT Steve
"Loki, get out"
"Loki, I'm warning you, get out. NOW" I shouted the last part, hoping someone could hear me but the guys were probably training on the upper levels. Damn!
"I know it's me you desire. Don't deny it. I can sense your love towards me (Y/ N)." I started at him in disbelief.
"Are you Crazy? I love Steve. Steve, Loki, not you! I understand that what you did in New York was not your fault but that doesn't mean I love you!" I got out of bed and walked over to my phone. I pretended I was looking at the time but I was actually sending an S.O.S message to Steve via Jarvis. Good old J. Now all I needed was to waste time.
"Why are you here Loki?" I asked, spinning around on my heal to face him.
"Because (Y/ N), you deserve someone better than Steve. Someone of your beauty should deserve the best. Me." He didn't show any emotion. God I hate that man.
"What makes you think Steve doesn't deserve me, if anything, I don't deserve him. He is the kindest man I have ever known and I love him. And as far as I'm concerned, he loves me too." And with that, Steve, Natasha and Clint came bursting into the room. Nat threw me a gun and I aimed it at Loki. The others surrounded him.
"This isn't over (Y/ N)."
"Yes it is" I was finished with this Bastard. Thor shouted at me for what I did next:
I shot Loki.
I threw the gun back to Natasha and walked out, straight to Stark, Steve right behind me. Stark was talking with Fury.
"(Y/N). We heard what happ..." I cut him off before he could finish.
"I want to join the Avengers again"

As I write this, it is 4:30 in the morning... I watched far to many episodes of Supernatural last night.
Anyways, is this the end of Loki or shall he return? I wonder... *insert John Hurt's voice here from HP and TPS*

Alice xx

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