Chapter 21

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Steve's POV:

"Steve!" I open my eyes to meet Natasha's. But her's are bloodshot and puffy; she's been crying, they all have.
"Guys what's the matter?" I could see the sadness in their eyes. "Guys?"
"Ugh Steve," I turn to look at Bruce, who had started. "(Y/ N) ummmm..."
"Yeah? Go on"
"She's in a coma." Wanda suddenly burst into tears at hearing the news, apparently not for the first time.
"What? She's in a coma?" They all nodded. No, this isn't happening! "You can see her if y..."
"Yeah, I want to see her. Now." The Nurse pulled up a wheelchair: not being able to walk properly sucks. I was slowly lowered in and pushed out my room, down the corridor and into another room. But this time there was more, advanced machinery.
"Mr. Rogers, your wife had internal bleeding in her brain. We manage to stop it from spreading, but we are unsure how we can fully fix it."
She was just lying there in a hospital gown, like the one I was wearing; her wedding dress hung up on the other side of the room. Her face was pale and dirty and didn't look like my wife at all; but I still loved her.
"Do we have any idea who caused this?"
"Yeah. Fury found the guy, dead by a HYDRA base which is currently being emptied." It was a good feeling knowing that the person who had done this was dead, but that didn't stop the other feeling, the awful one, that raged inside me. HYDRA. How could I have been so stupid to think that it wasn't them? How could I think that after Washington everything would be okay?

Chop off one head and two take its place

HYDRA hadn't fallen for my 'death'. They'd known. And now they're growing. More than two heads at a time.

3 weeks later

I'm out. I was discharged about 2 days after the accident. But (Y/ N)? She's still in there. Still in her coma. I visit her everyday and everyday there's no change. Nothing. It's like she doesn't want to live. It's like even though we had our lives ahead of us, she wants to give up. But she can't. I can't go on without her. She has to stay alive. I need her to.

"Captain Rogers?"
"There's a mission we need you on. Please report to Director Fury immediately."
"Thank you Agent 13. I'll be there as soon as I can." She battered her eyelashes at me, flicked her hair and left. Ever since (Y/ N) went into her coma, she's been flirting with me and I don't like it. I mean, don't get me wrong, she's a lovely woman and I'm sure any man would be lucky to have her but I'm married. I love (Y/ N). I know she's in a coma, and there's no major chance of her waking up any time soon, but I'm not about to leave her!

But I'm not about to dwell on that. Fury needs me. And I need something to distract me from (Y/N). I need some time to be able to think straight again. A messed up mind isn't going to help her. But one that knows what it's doing might.
"Director. You wanted me?"
"Steve. I didn't think you'd come. But I'm glad your here, we need you." He motioned for me to follow him down the hallway.
"We need you in Russia. There's a HYDRA base there that contains some value information about where they are going to strike next."
"Any extra information that I need to know?"
"You'll be partnered with Agents Romanoff and Barton. And you'll be gone for 3 months." What?
"3 Months? But sir, in case you hadn't realised, my wife is..." we stopped
"In a coma I know. But we need you. And what is telling chance of (Y/ N) waking up any time soon? This could be the perfect opportunity to clear your head."
"Okay. But if she wakes up, You tell me straight away and I'll come back right away. Do you understand?"
"Yes Captain. You leave in 2 hours."

A/N: HELLO! I know some of you guys are annoyed at me for putting you in a coma but hey! That's the way the cookie crumbles!

Okay, I'm sorry for that but it had to be done.


wait. Let's stop shouting. Okay. A Spence thanks to KellyLester for helping me along this journey and I hope you are always there to help me. And I hope you guys are always there to read and vote even when this book is finished. Love you all so very much.
Alice xx

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