1: "Game. On."

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Hey lovelies!
Before you begin reading chapter one, this book is All Rights Reserved (this means it is copyrighted) and shall not be copied in any shape or form. If any of you readers have seen others title my story as their 'own', please privately message me or post a message on my wall. All celebrities used as characters in 'The Blonde Project' are not based off of them outside of the fictional world.-
Kisses, Lou.
P.S the song linked with this chapter is basically showing what Emma's personality is like.

Bright lights shine through my glass windows as I wake and rub my eyes with tiny fists. I remain sleepy until an ear piercing alarm rings throughout my whole bedroom and I groan in frustration.
"Goddamn alarm clocks," I say as I hit the stop button multiple times until the ringing ends.


The first semester of school starts today and I'm leaping with joy. Yeah, can you feel the sarcasm spilling from my words? Though I am a grade A student and classified as a 'teachers pet', I absolutely hate school and always will. Can I wait for college.

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand, turned it on, grabbed my black glasses and headed over towards my Oakwood dresser.
Grabbing a simple black white vest top, black skinny jeans, thin and pink plaid shirt and my pair of ballet flats.

2 new texts messages:
Lydia <3 : Hey, meet at your house in ten?
Lydia <3 : Noah's here too ;)

I smile to myself and tread downstairs while tipping my head upside down to create a messy bun.

When I reach the fridge, I hear a loud knock on my door and I walk over to it, grabbing the door knob.

Lydia stood in front of me, her hair in simple French braids, her makeup kept to a natural state. Dressed in simple denim shorts and long sleeved black t-shirt.

I know it was summer right now, July 3rd to be exact, but I just love wearing black because... well it's my favourite colour.

Other schools would be on vacation right now, they would have split for summer already but our school has a particularly weird calendar year. We had summer break before everyone else.

I launch myself at Noah beside her. "I missed you over the holidays!"
"I missed you too, Jelly bean."
I pretend to be sick at my best friends words.

Let me tell you a disgusting story, When I was thirteen,  I absolutely loved jelly beans so one day, Noah decided to see how many I could fit in my mouth and eat in one minute. Greedy me stuffed all of them in my mouth, trying to prove to Noah that I could and it turns out he contaminated them all with the spiciest chilli sauce in the world. That day, I lost all trust for him.

"What about me? I'm the one who text you and am here to pick you up in my new ride—" she turned her body to show us her new wheels. My god.

Noah and I struggled to stifle our laughs.
"I know it's bad Annabel but please don't laugh."

"Lydia," Noah started, "it's bright yellow and has a pink door on the right. May I mention the huge daisy printed on the hood."

"My parents are hippies, they love all the stereotypical stuff, 60's glasses, peace signs, caravans. You name it."

"I know," I started, "we both know".

"Oh come on get in the car! Annabel,Noah, we need to meet Nina at school and I need to study for the chemistry exam." She tapped the top  of her car, slid into the drivers, and waited for us both to join her.


I was currently twiddling my pink pen between my fingers. Our teacher, Mrs Collins had decided to assign us a history assignment on the first day back. I had no luck either, it was on the topic of Ancient Egypt, a topic I hadn't studied because of my absence the last week of the school year 2015.

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