7: "Dead Or Alive"

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Song linked is Annabel's dance song.

I wake up to faint tapping on the side of my head from what felt like a warm towel. I flutter my eyelashes to see Lydia staring at me intently. "What are you doing?"

"I'm keeping you warm. You passed out earlier and it dropped your heat levels low."

"I passed out?" I ask, my eyes wide open as I act flabbergasted. Trying to move out of my bed, I realise that Lydia's hands are on my shoulders to stop me from leaving. "You're not leaving. You've only been asleep twenty minutes and I only arrived here ten minutes ago."

"B-but how did you know I had passed out if you weren't here?"

"Caleb told me. He came round my house; we live next to each other and literally dragged me here. He was worried y'know, he's not as bad as you think."

I furrow my eyebrows. How could Caleb Jones possibly care?

"Five more minutes and I'll let you get up. You need to rest a little, by the way a hot cup of Latte is downstairs with some chocolate and caramel shortbread. Relax, bunny."

I slowly nod and rest my head onto my pillow. Mmm.. Comfy.

After about ten minutes, I change into some black pyjama shorts and a long sleeved t-shirt with elephants printed on it, as it was now ten thirty pm.

I collect my short blonde hair into a loose braid that falls to the top of my back. Removing all my makeup in the process. Lazily, I walk downstairs for my cup of tea and food but almost have an heart attack when I see Caleb stood there. Burgundy Converse, black skinny jeans, t-shirt and navy zip-up jacket. Hair ruffled and stuck up in many places, eyes still as bright and sharp as ever.

"Are you alright? Earlier when you collapsed I didn't know what to do, so—"

"I know Lydia told me." I interrupt even though it's very rude.

"I just came to make sure you were alright. I mean I can't continue this project without a study buddy can I?" He smirks.

"Charming." I speak, "There could have been something wrong with me and all you care about is the Term-one Project.

"But there's nothing seriously wrong with you is there? And yeah. I haven't done the last three years projects and if I don't do this one, I'll be expelled."

"But that's none of my concern is it?" I shoot back. "I'm clearly alright so you can go."

"You're obviously n—"

"Go. I don't need you here." I snap as I sit down onto the kitchen stool.

He looks at my face, looking to see if I was being serious with him gentle and brown eyes, then a harsh frown took over his face.
"Fine. I'll go." He slams the front door after me and I roll my eyes as well as jump a few inches.

Stupid Caleb.

Two Days Later...

I've barely slept these last few nights.
After hours of tossing and turning, overthinking and discriminating, the alarm clock finally breaks through my phones speakers and vibrates against the table. It's finally the day I return to school. Honestly, I should be whining but if anything, I miss my friends, even if I have to survive through seven hours with teachers for droning on about how much they get payed is not enough when they have to deal with the rebellious' teenagers behaviour.
Nobody has been to see me for the past few days as they were studying for their own project. Not even Caleb, I think. Jumping out of the bed, I head over to my mirror, combing through it with a hair brush into a half up-half down bun. I apply a nude pink matte lip tint over my soft lips to make them appear a little bigger. Then grab my black framed glasses off my desk.

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