15: "Something has happened to Candice."

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Song= Cruel World- Lana Del Rey.

There's a lot of switching between POVs in this chapter but it is needed.
A lot of drama in this paragraph.

It's been three days and I haven't heard from Caleb. After that passionate kiss we shared, I have not heard a single word about him and he hasn't been in school either. Three days since my father died.

It's about ten am and I'm changing into my physical exercise attire. All I can think of is Cal as I pull on my pink polo shirt.

I tie my hair into a ponytail into the centre of my head. "Hey, are you okay?" Lydia asks as he places her feet into her high tops.

"Yeah, just thinking about Caleb that's all." I reply and she gives me a warming smile. "He'll be okay. Don't worry, he's probably just bunking off."

"Yeah," I try to laugh just as Mr Matthews blows his whistle. "OY! Over here Hastings, no chatting to Lydia. This isn't a lesson for talking ladies!"

I roll my eyes and plop down on a blue bench beside Mr Matthews. His harsh eyes soon soften when he sees my eyes clouded with worry. He nudges his shoulder against mine, "Are you alright? You seem upset."

"I'm fine," I strike my hands from my head and groan. "Thank you for asking but I'm perfectly fine." He nods and stands back up to his normal stance; perfectly vertical.

Lifting myself off the seat, I stroll outside and climb on the field, where we'll play basketball. The grass flattens against the sloppy clay as I kick the ground with my shoes. The sky is a silver shade today and the clouds are a darker shade of grey.

"Nice shoes geek, where'd you get them? The skip behind your house?" Emma rolls her eyes behind me as she treads across the wet field. She surprisingly not with anyone today. Did they ditch her for a better Regina George?

"Shut up," I surprise myself by saying, "We all know you'd be broke if it wasn't for mommy and daddy. In fifteen years you'll be sat on the streets doing anything for a dollar, after you screw up of course."

She stands, bewildered but then places her hands on my small shoulders, "Don't forget what I can do, Annabel."

"And what's that, are you going to stand on my foot with your Jimmy Choo heels? Oh please." I chuckle and grab a ball from the ground, deciding to join in on the game for once.

"Don't forget you practically left me for dead a week or so ago." She tries to whisper menacingly.

"And your supposed friend. Threatening her too huh?" I shake my head and mentally face palm myself. "Goodbye Sweetheart."

I throw the ball against the huge locker for equipment and storm off inside.


Caleb's POV:

It's been three days and I can't even move my arms. I'm stuck in this small blue room watching repeats of Grimm while snivelling into new tissues.
'Three days without Annabel', my subconscious adds and I roll my eyes.

It's true, after that romantic kiss with Belle, my body decides to ingest a viral infection. Well, that's what I think it is. I have been sick seven times and I have awful migraines. God, why must I have the weakest immune system.

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