13: "Emma's alive?"

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Sorry for the slight delay- my vision has been acting up and I've been getting bad migraines. Forgive me please Xx
Also obsessed with the song Hands to myself.
Copyrighted. (C)

After one hour and exactly twenty one minutes, mother has finally stopped lecturing us and we have been sent to our rooms to get a good nights sleep for school. We have been given all house chores for one month and we are grounded for two weeks.

Let's hope she doesn't change her mind...



I groan at the familiar alarm and bash my hand on the table trying to find the stop button. I truly hate Monday's, I reach for the top of my comforter and pull it back so I can get out of my bed.

I stumble over to my bathroom, brushing my teeth with peppermint toothpaste. My hair is frizzy and static, I attempt to brush it down but it only makes matters worse. I decide to place it into a simple high ponytail to keep it away from my face; adding a little coral lipstick to my plump lips to finish.

Opening my drawers, I grab a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a white crop with 3/4 sleeves and a pair of nude flats.

As I make my way downstairs and start eating my fresh strawberries from the fridge, a sharp knock rings throughout the house and I head over to the door to open it.

There Caleb stands, his hazelnut brown hair styled messily but considerably perfect to me. Chocolate brown eyes and slight blush cheeks.

"Hey," he heavily breathes, "Wanna walk to school together?"

I'm about to say yes but I then remember, "how do you know where I live?"

"You don't remember? You came to my party. I live about a block away."

Oh.. Yeah. That party.

"Sure," I smile and grab the small tote bag from the table beside me. A pack of peppermint gum to freshen my breath throughout the day.


Right now, I'm twiddling my personalised pen between my fingertips gently as I listen to my professor droning on about algebra and the relationship between shapes. Two topics I do not have a clue about. All of a sudden, the door bursts in and a smug looking Caleb enters the room. He's dressed in a red plaid shirt, skinny jeans, chuck Taylor's and his hair is messily shoved back. This lesson just got a whole lot more interesting.

"I believe I am in this class now. My previous teacher, Mrs Jefferson, has told me that I am now in this class due to my high exam results last week." Caleb convinces as he turns my way and winks at me charmingly.

As I begin to write down notes, a familiar cologne contaminates the air around me. I look up and see Caleb smiling while threading his fingers through his thick chocolate hair.

When I begin to continue to write down gibberish from my professors board, the male beside me passes me a small albuminous yellow sticky note with small letters printed on it. 'Do you understand any of this? ;)'

I look up to Cal to see him looking intently at the piece of paper held in my hand, I write back: 'Nope :D''. He laughs lightly at my message for some reason then begins to write again.

"Miss Hastings, Mr Jones," Sir speaks as I look up at him. Tens of wrinkles are present upon the cherry tomato coloured skin tone, his long grey eyebrow hairs scattered all over.

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