25: "A movie scene."

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~ I'm loving this song right now; I've come to realise it's describing Annabel's and Caleb's relationship from her perspective in a realistic dream like vision.
All rights of the video go to the owner.
Please share with this with anyone you know, I dream to become a good writer but I need your help! X
Hope you love this chapter, Goodbye for now. Love to all. ~

"Oh look what has happened with just one kiss, I never knew I could be in love like this," I hear my sister sing while she tossed the omelette in the pan and prodding the mixture with a wooden spatula.

I make a small smile to myself while I turn the notifications off on my mobile, setting up my playlist of Pop, rock and R&B for the journey to my first day of school; Christmas break is finally over and now I have to attend hell on earth.
I've decided I'm going to try and forget everything bad that has happened in these past few months. It's causing me nothing but grief and heartache.

I push down the arms of my wool sweater to cover my cold hands and clutch myself together as I watch morning news on the television.

"Hey, Annabel. Do you want any bacon? If you give me ten minutes there'll be some spare." I hear Candice yell from our kitchen.

"No, I've got to be in class for eight-thirty, maybe another time. Wait... aren't you going to school today?" I question as I pick up my brown handbag and swing it onto my left shoulder.

"I'm ill," she looks me in the eye, with a glow on her complexion and a small smile on her face.

"Sure you are," I chuckle to myself, "See you tonight, sis."

As soon as I shut the front door, I begin walking down the narrow streets as several honeybee school buses pass me and shout multiple profanities alongside inappropriate gestures. I curse to myself and click play on my song list. Bopping my head to the beat spilling with emotion, slowly becoming intoxicated by the realism and soul lyrics.

My school still looks exactly the same, the paint staining the walls like a nasty scar, the slanted roof that holds the sky's force; the strong and electric winds. The thick pane windows rimmed with a white gloss, trapping us from one reality into another. A world outside commonly seen to be a place of inner freedom and felicity. However, This parallel universe I enter each day prepared to play my role, is completed with pure victimisation and accusation,  simply the definition of a perfect unorthodox.

The morning bell alerts me to my first lesson, physical education. I curse silently to myself and begin to head down the packed hallways to my class.

Before pushing the door open to the female changing rooms, I smooth down my hair nervously and blow out a shaky breath. All of a sudden, I'm blasted with a group of strong, musky smells from a variety of different perfumes. Girls scraping their natural or dyed hair up into tight ponytails. As soon as my short, curved figure comes into vision, all my classmates focus their eyes onto the girl now known as the girl who Caleb cheated on.

Several hands fly up to their mouths, whispering small words to their friends beside them. Reluctantly, I place myself between a tall, beautiful black woman with medium natural hair, straightened to her wide shoulders. Her eyes lined with black kohl pencil, her plump lips coated with nude gloss. Alongside a short Spanish woman with lengthy chocolate brown hair and large dark blue eyes, pouring with innocence.

The Latina originated girl took her hand out of her bag and straightened it out towards me, suggesting a greeting. "Hi," she says beginning to open her mouth and voice her name, however the African American embraced me In a quick hug, leading to a few quick giggles. "Sorry for her. She's a hugger." she continues, "Now... where was I? oh yeah! Hello, I'm Valerie, Vee for short. Who may you be?"

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