3: "xBlondiex"

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After my conversation with Noah, I hop off to lunch, meeting Nina and Lydia.

Nina's dressed in white skinny jeans, baby blue crop top and white high tops. Her almost black hair styled into a messy bun.

Lydia clothed in a strapped knee length dress, wedges and her hair flowing at her chest area in bouncy waves.

"Hey guys," I speak and place myself on a chair next to them as they both eat their chicken sandwiches from the cafeteria.

"Hey. I'm seriously scared guys," Lydia complains, "last year the term one project was assigned, I got paired with Bobbi, he did nothing but eat all of my moms cooking."

"It can't be that bad," I say, "you could be paired with Caleb..."

"You're still not convinced he's a nice person?" Nina says in between bites.

"He's cocky, full of himself and not in a good way, he plays pranks on the poor smart kids. I just hope to God that he doesn't play a prank on me anytime soon. I don't want to be Cleaning a stink bomb out of my locker, thank you very much."

Nina and Lydia stare at each other for a second before looking back at me.


"Nothing," they both fight their smiles for some reason.

"Don't keep things from me, guys." I whine and the two just keep eating instead of answering me, like I had first wanted.

I rise from my seat, "I'm off to the library."

I open the library doors and sign my name on a small pad of paper.

"Boo!" An irritating voice calls out. Caleb. Can't he just leave?

I turn around to face his hazel eyes, "What?" I breathe try to get to get past him but he puts his hands on either side of my head.

"Am I not allowed to talk to my favourite person," he laughs and I just snort and duck under his arms, searching for a free computer.

"What's wrong with you?" He genuinely speaks.

"You're here." I spit back and begin writing my essay for an English assignment.

He ate loudly, right next to my ear, played My Chemical Romance beside me; this blared through his SkullCandy headphones.
And for the last ten minutes or so he has watched me closely with different facial expressions trying to catch my attention.

"Are you done? Are you done ? Are you—" he kept speaking until I cut him off.

"Oh my god! Can you stop talking? I'm trying to get this English article for the school website done. It's supposed to be published and you won't—"

"You're xBlondiex ?" He holds my School Website username, "Your posts are amazing!"

"Really?" My face lights up like a child on Christmas morning.

"No." My smile soon fades, "Nobody wants to hear about your secret pancake recipe or on the population rising in China. We already knew China was overpopulated, what's changed?"

"Well if you read the article, you may have known. Doofus." Sarcasm spreads like wildfire throughout my body.


I log off my computer and grab my bag. "See you later, idiot."


The lesson everyone has been crapping themselves all day for. History.
Everyone's hands shook as our teacher grabbed her sheet of names and read them aloud.

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