20: "It's too late."

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A fresh breath of air is amazing after being stuck inside for a while. The smell of pure air and streaks of baked goods from round the corner. After all the time in my house, the city's buildings seem brand new, so gold and strong in the distance. If I was only like that; Wonderful in every way.


I gaze round at the isles and isles of shoes: stilettos, ballet flats, boots, trainers, the lot really. A pair of Baby pink flats caught my eye, a small white pom Pom at the end of the shoe and a strap made out of suede around the ankle for security.
I twist the price tag round.

On sale, $27.89.
Original price- $41.83

Just in my price range! Now I can mope around in pretty shoes. I'm being sarcastic if you couldn't tell.

I stroll towards the checkout,
"Just these please," I speak as 'Linda', swipes the shoes.
"41 dollars and 83 sense, the 50% off was mistakingly placed on this item." The natural redhead woman stares at me with wide hazel eyes.
"But, I don't have 42 dollars."

All of a sudden, a deep manly voice interrupts the silence, "here." The guy beside me by the checkout, hands the woman twenty dollars after seeing the thirty dollars in my feminine palm.
"Keep the change," the man smiles charmingly.
"Oh-no you don't have to do that." I ramble out, eyes wide and mouth ajar with shock of such kindness.
"I saw your face over there when you saw those shoes, don't worry about it."

I look up at the man. He's the most handsome I have seen since... Caleb.

However His smile is soulful; the way his plump watermelon pink lips stretch over his teeth. His hot toffee hair is tousled into loose curls, trickling over his forehead from his crown, the sides short and swept back.

Caleb was never like this... I should seriously stop thinking about him, he's not worth my time. Cheating on me?

I take the shoes from the woman and place them in a black bag, rushing up to the man.
"So... thank you for doing that back there."

"It's no problem... what's your name?" He ponders as he taps his navy converse on the tiles of the shopping centre.

"Annabel," I smile and walk beside him, "and you?"

"Nate," he shows that smile again... that charming, fluttery smile. "We've just met but... would you maybe want to go get dinner together? I haven't eaten all day."

"Mom told me to not go anywhere with strangers," I joke and pout like a little 1st grader girl. "I don't know anything about you."

"We can discuss that over burger and fries."
'Oh you think you're so slick' I giggle to myself.

"What's so funny?" He smiles and laughs with me, staring into my blue eyes.

"Oh nothing. Aren't you forgetting something? I have no money."

Suddenly, a endearing beam paints itself on his face. "Don't you worry about that."

I decide not to.


"Oh my god, I thought I remembered you! You were my canoeing parter in the elementary school camp?" Nate chuckles and I toss a small French fry into my eye.
"You were the one, who puked on my Star Wars T shirt from motion sickness... I never wore that shirt again." He continues.

Throwing my head back, I release a cackle and shut my eyes for a moment. I've not felt this happy since my mom bought me my first pair of ballet pointe shoes. It's a shame I can't wear them anymore, I have missed too many classes now, I can't possibly go back to ballet. I may take up that blogging internship at Daisy my mother had recommended and got a client to reserve.

"So... we haven't spoken much about your personal life. You know mostly about me now. I'm a 18 year old male from Connecticut, who studied at Harvard for two years and now I'm taking a year to explore the world. As you can tell I only got as far as California." Nate rests his hand on his jaw bone, a curl of brown hair leaking from his head and trailing over his right eye. "What secrets are you hiding in there?"

"Many. You don't wanna know about my secrets."

"Now I'm intrigued, as long as you aren't a released serial killer: I can handle anything." He looks at my tray of food. "You don't seem hungry."

I've only eaten my fries and drunk my orange juice. "You can have my burger. I'm a little full."

He seems unsure of my words but nods anyway. "I want to know a little about you."

"All in good time," I faintly smile, "now I should be going. My mother may be wondering where I am. Goodbye Nate."

"Wait... can I call you tonight. You've got my number saved into your phone now haven't you?" He pleads.

"Of course. Thanks for the shoes by the way."

I step out of the food shop and stand by the bus stop. Three minutes waiting time.

"Annabel?" I hear a recognisable voice speak out.

I turn round, gobsmacked at who I see gleaming at me.

He takes me sign of recognition as a sign to come over, oh no.

"Hey, Annabel. How have you been—" Cal tries to be nice but I am in no mood to listen to this.

"Like you care. If you cared you wouldn't have kissed another girl, would ya?" I spit harshly and look at my watch. One minute before the bus arrives.

"I said I'm sorry, can we just forget this ever happened and get back together?" Is this guy serious?

"Number one. Why would we ever do that? Number two, you're 17 and you still haven't realised sorry is just a word. It doesn't mean anything... I forgive you. However, I will never get back together with you. I'd never stoop that low ever again. Goodbye, Caleb."

His frame stands in the cool wind, sternly; eyes pleading for forgiveness.

It's too late.

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