24: "I love her."

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Hope you like this chapter! By the way, the gif below is of Ashley Benson and it's the actress who plays Annabel. X

This chapter will include a whole bunch of different POV's I've never really experimented with before. Comment what you think!

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Candice's POV:

"My brothers such an idiot," Dylan curses to himself as he strokes the loose piece of pink hair away from my face, "How could he ruin the best thing he had going for him?" I nod in understanding. Caleb was such an ass for doing that to my sister, to say he loved her, he didn't seem to show it that much.

I take a sip of my hot vanilla latte from the coffee shop and place it down onto the space beside me, where my laptop is placed. "I'm just glad you're not like your brother," I then realise I may have sounded rude to I try to cover it up, "You're too nice of a person, you're really caring and that's rare around here." I climb into his lap and wrap my arms around, sometimes this is the only place I ever feel secure.

He kisses my neck up to my jawline and back up my strawberry flavoured lips. "I have a present for you. I wasn't here for your 15th birthday as I was camping in the hills with my family but don't worry, I didn't forget about you." Dylan takes out a wide, jet black, velvet box and opens it slowly, making my anticipation heighten.
Oh my, it's beautiful, stunning, exquisite... it's a silver beaded bracelet engraved with small diamonds along each hoop, a miniature heart and star charm hanging off the centre.
"It's amazing, thank you so much!" I press a long kiss to his lips and only release to inhale oxygen. I hurry off into my sisters bedroom.

"Annabel, have you seen— Sis, what's wrong?" There she is, her outgrown blonde waves spread into a halo across her plain white pillow, black tears trickling down her unusually pale cheeks. She clenches the photo frame in a cool embrace tighter when I step closer to her and take a seat onto the edge of her bed.

"Why has everything gone bad? We used to be so happy, us two, mom, dad, even our annoying little brother we barely ever see now as he's too upset to come out of his room. Why did dad have to die on us when we needed him most?" She cries harder and I take her cold hand into my warm palm. I press a kiss to her cheek as a sign of pure affection and sweep her hair back.

"Just hold in there, we can do this together. Just don't give up on me Annabel. Good things take time." She immediately leans up and gives me a longing hug, "Can you please call Caleb for me? I know I'm doing wrong but I really need to sort everything out."

"As you wish, princess."


Caleb's POV:

I feel terrible; why did I ruin everything with my girl- well I'm not sure if I can still call her my girlfriend. She was so beautiful, her dazzling smile lightened up my and everyone else's mood instantly, her fair complexion I wanted to treat dearly like it was a precious pearl. Her plump rosy lips I wanted to kiss every chance I got. Her small waist and wide hips she was so self conscious but to me; they were art. Art was meant to be wonderful and make you feel something, metaphorically Annabel was the most pleasing piece of art I had ever encountered. Her heart bursted with creativity in a range of colours, just like fireworks on the Fourth of July. I love her, I love her, I love her.

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