14: "Pain."

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*Listen to the song; if you like. 5sos are just amazing <3*
Many pages this chapter! Maybe the longest I'll do apart from the epilogue!
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Then I ran. I have no idea why, it might be the fact that I have never been kissed, or that his dominating eyes were too dangerous for me to stare into. I run down the halls into the girls bathroom, I slam the door shut and walk into a small cubicle. Closing the lid, I then take a seat on the smoothed marble and drop my bag onto the dirty floor.

He probably kissed me to shut me up... To stop me talking when I began trying to make people feel sorry for me. God, why do I have to be such an idiot? Why couldn't I be have born normally. I'd say the quote 'Normal people scare me' from American Horror Story, but that wouldn't be appropriate. I desire to be normal, I'm not scared of the normal.

I'm just glad no one was there when we kissed... Imagine how embarrassed he would be if he found out that anybody had seen us. My chubby arms around his muscular. I'm such a disgrace.


Caleb's POV:

Then she ran. Why did Belle run you ask? She thinks the worst of herself. What she doesn't realise is... She's the most genuine woman I have ever met. Apart from mother of course.

I stand, bewildered in the hallways of pity. Reluctantly, I begin to walk down to the halls to next lesson until I hear familiar sobs. God no, not crying. I can't stand the people I care for, to weep in sorrow. Sadness is such a strong emotion; sometimes stronger than happiness or love. There's an imbalance.

How much of a weirdo do I look going into the girls bathroom? At least it's worth something.

As closer to the bathroom sinks, the crying stops but I can still hear the broken feeling in her. The quivering of her voice in agony.

I take a peak at the bottom of the stall and notice the familiar ballerina flats that Annabel famously wears.



A few mere seconds later, I hear the lock of her cubicle unlock and she comes out.

"I'm sorry... It's just that was emotional for me. I just want to be friends, I'm sorry." She sobs.

"Don't be sorry. I understand how you feel." I hug her loosely and rub her back a little for a soothing feel.

"Later, Belle."


Annabel's POV:

Here I sit, on the couch next to brother Sam who's currently dressed in buzz light year pyjamas and watching SpongeBob squarepants repeats. It's 20:00.

I stare at the ceiling and as tiredness drowns me, my eyelids soon flutter closed, drifting off into a much needed sleep.

When I wake that morning, it's dark outside, signalling that it's probably the middle of the night. The full moon hangs in the sky and the stars twinkle like diamonds. I shuffle into my slippers and ponder through the pained hallways to see mother with a bottle of grape wine. There is pieces of half eaten chocolate on the side.

"Mother, are you okay?" I smile as I pass her and her eyes are focused on the walls. Tears roll slowly from her eyes but her face doesn't have a reaction. I sit beside her and notice her house phone sat on her lap.

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