8: "Karma will catch up with you"

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I awake with a fuzzy feeling burning up my stomach. I can't describe the feeling I'm having now that I've returned to my love, Ballet.

I guess you could say my dancing is a mixture between classical ballet and contemporary dancing. Emotional but sweet.

Reaching up out of bed, I head over to my bathroom and take a quick shower, when I'm out I sit at my makeup desk. Applying brown kohl eyeliner, mascara and matte lipstick. I comb my hair to get rid of the knots and straighten it so that it is thick and silky.

Black crop top, floral skirt, black wedges and a violet cross body bag.

As I walk downstairs I see Candice sitting at the dinner table with her doc marten covered feet laid on the glass table. Her hair was now a pastel pink colour which didn't suit her as much as her last hair but still looked alright.

Her leather jacket was covered with patches like the Anarchy symbol and Band logos.

"Sup, weirdo" I shake her already messy hair, a thing she hated to have done.
"Go away, doofus" she disses as I unite her and grab a bowl, a couple of bananas, apples and strawberries to chop up for my breakfast.

"Since when you eat healthily?" Candy asks as she pulls her signature face.

"Long word, sis." I blank out at her question and focus on the fact that my sister used a word more than six letters. I mean my sisters not exactly the brainiest.

She got low levels on her SATs because she was too busy skiving classes and buying a sausage roll down at the corner shop and buying herself new clothes with moms credit card.
It was fourth grade when she began acting out... When my older brother left  to study in San Fransisco.

As I stab my fruit with my metal knife, I place my earphones into my ears and listen to 'Dangerous Woman' by Ariana Grande, her new single.

A loud knock shakes the house and as I greet them I point at them, 'something 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman!'" And laugh as I realise it is Noah.
"Me?" He points towards his chest and smiles with her pearly set of teeth. His caramel brown hair was no longer held into a quiff position. It was flopping over his average sized forehead.

"You ready?" He asks as I pick up my leather satchel. I nod and follow Noah out of the small garden gate, heading for the road nearest to school.

"So? What's being happening with you and that Caleb kid?"

"Nothing really. Just studying even though we haven't got a clue what to write about." I partly lie.

"How do you think I feel? My partner isn't exactly smart, she told me that her boobs can feel when it's going to rain. It's like she has ESPN or something. The literal replica of Karen on Mean Girls." He laughs.

"Really? She didn't ask you how to spell orange did she?" I ask jokingly.

"No, but she did ask me how to spell watermelon a few days ago," he face palms and I throw my head back and laugh loudly. The wind blowing through my blonde locks and the breeze masks my fresh face.

As I lift my head back up to its usual position, I see Lydia and Nina approaching us with wide grins on their faces. Everyone is happy.

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