22: "Inner Hysteria."

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Yes English Slang has been used in this 😆.
(You don't have to listen to the song it just reminds me of Annabel's and Caleb's relationship).

Swishing my blonde waves side to side, I pout my cherry pink lips as I walk down the halls of school, full with black and cream lockers, with students passing words to each other every now and then.

Lydia doesn't know what's coming to her.

I stand proud in my black playsuit, knitted oversized wool cardigan that hangs off mid arms, paired with two-inch strapped heels. I turn to my side and see a few guys from my sociology class smirking slightly at me, I return the smile and begin to walk to English.

Plopping into my seat, I take my flask of English tea out of my bag and begin to pour it out into the cap.
"H-hm," Sir clears his throat, "hot drinks are not allowed in classrooms, you know that Annabel." Mr. Cromwell furrows his eyebrows and looks at me in a way of disgust. I continue to sip my tea and take my assignment out of my bag.

"Miss, if you don't put that hot drink away I will have to confiscate it, it's dangerous."

"It's not even hot! It's cooled down, it's not gonna burn you." I roll my eyes and put it back into my bag, "Happy now?"

I know I'm being disrespectful but I could not care less at this moment in time. I've been cheated on by my boyfriend and my best friend and this teacher never does anything but complain on my phrasing in my assignments, though I am the highest in this class.

"What's gotten into you!" I hear Lydia whisper-shout from behind me.

Turning my head, I see Lydia with a disappointed frown on her face alongside a few other students in the class, looking at me in complete confusion.

My inner hysteria bursts out,
"Shouldn't I be asking what's gotten into you... Wait answer this first. Was it worth it?"

"Annabel what do you mean? You're not making any sense." She looks at me in shock.

"You'll see..." I cackle and begin writing down my notes.
I just hope I don't see the person I had forgiven so easily, today or at all.


Coffee. The strong aroma circulates through the cafeteria as I take a seat and place my black bordered onto my ivory toned face. Whipping a book out of my bag, I place it onto my lap before a familiar model-like figure comes into my peripheral vision. Lydia.

I clench my jaw, tell me if I'm overreacting but... getting cheated on is bad enough, nothing comes close for it to be your best friend your boyfriend cheated on you with!

She plops onto the seat beside me, her high blonde ponytail trailing down the back of her head. "What happened with you in English? Are you mad at me?" She pouts, her bottom lip sticking out and her eyebrows raised.

"No word comes close to the horrible feeling I feel towards you right now." I frown, my natural brows furrowing.

Suddenly, Lydia's tone turns from confused to infuriated, "I'm sorry Annabel, have I done something to make you act like a total cow towards me? You're been plain rude for no reason." She slams her first down onto the table. That's it.
I chuck my book to the side and my bag too.

I stand up from my seat and rest my forehead against hers, "What did you just say to me?"

"I said that you're a stupid cow, a b*tch too in my opinion, what are you gonna do about it?" She spits, by now everyone in the cafeteria has stopped eating and are staring intently at us both. Many saying, "Oh my god is that Annabel?" Or "Go on Lydia, punch her!"

"I don't know how you can call me such a word when you're the woman who cheated on her best friend by having a fling with her boyfriend!" Gasps are audible throughout the room.

Suddenly Lydia's face pales and she takes a step backwards, "I would n-never do that to you, this is silly Annabel, come on—"

"What were you thinking when you were kissing my boyfriend? Did you even care to think what I would feel like if it got out. Everything comes out eventually, remember that." My heart races and adrenaline bumps into my body, making my body feel a strange sense of euphoria, power. "Are you seriously going to act dumb now and be a coward?"

Her fist comes flying towards my face but I quickly catch her fist in the palm of my hand and throw my foot up to kick her forcefully in the leg. Lydia is caught off guard and she falls to the cafeteria tiles with an audible hard slap.

I drop my knees either side of her thrashing body and begin to punch her violently on her jaw, her eye, every where I could reach. Lydia's small hand comes rises from below me and gives me a painful smack, a wild tingling spreading through my cheek. Her face is flushed red from such assault. I get ready to drag her back down before she drops down herself, salty tears covering her entire face; blonde hairs almost glued to her face.

"Loss for words?" I spit before tears begin to fill my eyes and leak from my lids. How can such fury, ignite such sadness and grief within me?

"Please don't do this!" She pleads, she buries her head between her upright knees. "I'm pregnant! Please don't do this. I'm so sorry for everything."

All wind has been knocked out of me and my heart feels as if it has been ripped apart.
All of a sudden, a tall female teacher puts her hands of her hips and stares at the tension between us. "What the almighty is going on here?" Her face turns red with frustration. "Well?"

I have no interest in leaving the situation like this. "You-you're pregnant?" My hands shake and my arms vibrate. No, not now. I flinch and run away from the crowd; my heart palpitating and legs wobbling with each step I take.
Lydia, my best friend, is pregnant with my boyfriends baby. How did my life become such a mess?

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