12: "Im just a teenage dirtbag"

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"The catacombs are a group of passageways underground, most famously known in Paris where thousands of human bones have said to..." I screw up the piece of paper and throw it across the room.

I grab another sheet of scrap paper and begin writing my ideas down but I fail yet again. I go to pick up my phone but then realise it is not there. Goddamnit.

Shuffling into my slippers, I hear light snores across the hall which means mother is most likely asleep. 12:34am, it's definitely not Candice because usually around this time, she goes to her friends and parties. That's until mom realises that Candice is not in her bed and goes to collect her.

I tie my hair up into a messy bun and tiptoe across the hall, opening my sisters door without any creaks. Her pink hair is scattered across her pillows and she's tucked into her black sheets.
"Hastings, I know you aren't asleep so I suggest you open your eyes. I'm not stupid."

One eye opens before the other. She tears the covers from her small body and steps onto her smooth carpet. Sister is still dressed in yesterday's clothes.
"I thought you were mom."

"Oh Thanks," I roll my eyes, "I'm going to get my phone, where are you going?"

"I was off to a friends. Big party was happening but I got a text saying it has been called off. Off to Dylan's instead."

I go to frown but my eyes twinkle with astonishment and humour when I realise who Dylan is.
"Oh, you like him?" I laugh and push her shoulder.
"Oh shut up, we all know you fancy Caleb." She taunts and my smile soon falters. I'm quick to defend myself. "I don't like him."

"Sure you don't."

I ignore her and head downstairs to grab my phone out of the small kitchen drawer. I swipe right and tap my passcode numbers before my phone is finally open. My finger hovers over Caleb's contact. Shall I? Screw it.
~ Catacombs is a harder topic than I thought~
Shall I add a smiley face? No... too giving.

I stare at my phone a few minutes before it finally vibrates and the words '1 new text from CALEB' plaster across my screen.

~ It's easy :) If you're bored you should come to this party. Kinda boring but at least I'll have someone to talk to. My friend has wandered off and I know nobody here ~ CALEB

I quickly send a text back, ~ Can't I'm grounded remember? :(~

~ You've snuck out before, remember? You can bring your sister if you want, my brother might want to talk to her once he's done eating the whole fridge.~

I laugh at the text. ~ Okay be there in half an hour, Address?~

~ Good. 73 Burberry road.~

My sister starts to come downstairs while adjusting the soft chocker around her neck but I grab her arm and pull her upstairs.

"I'm going to party and you're coming with me." I speak and she nods, sitting down on my beanbag.

"Never knew you'd be the one to go to a party."

"Me either but I'm not really going for the initial fun, I'm going to talk to Caleb." Her mouth twists into the most aggravating smirk as the name falls out of my mouth.

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