Chapter 25

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This is MAD up above.I hope you like the chapter, you finally get to see what she says. well here you go. and P.S. I'm gonna try something were you can ask the characters of my storys questions, just write the character your adressing and then the question you can either inbox me or leave a comment.



MAD's POV                               DBA (Davenport Bionic Academy)

"Douglas." I said with a loss of words." I don't know what to say."

"How about yes." He commented I know it's a lot to take in, I'm wiling to wait." He stood up so we were face to face.

"I just Don't know , I didn't think you would- we would-" I said still with a loss of words.

"I know, MAD I love you , and I know you need time to think." He said and I nod and walk out the room to think.

I can't believe he proposed,I remember the first time. He proposed. 



Me and Douglas were holding hands he was dragging me to the school.

"Douglas? What are we doing here? And on a weekend." I said.

"I forgot my book just stay here." He said and walked off.

Next thing I know a book fell from my locker.

I picked it up. I've never seem it before but it was bookmarked. I opened it.

  I gasped

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I gasped. I looked down Douglas was on his knee.

"Madison Renee Connors. I have loved you since I was 14, and I want to continue to love you for the rest of our lives I love you. Will you marry me?"

I gasped.tears of joy slipped my eyes. I nodded.  "Yes. Yes. Yes!" I said over and over.

Flashback over

I missed that Douglas.

But I don't know if I should say yes, has he changed , is he different or his he the same old Douggie. I mean there's apart of me that still loves him and wants to say yes, but theres another part that sees him as the guy that tried to turn his kids into bionic soliders. Should I say yes?


A Few Hours Later

Douglas comes up to me " Hey did you think about what I said?" Douglas asked.

"Yes I have, and  My answer is....No I can't marry you." I said and a frown spread on his face "Oh" "I just don't think I can trust you."

"But MAD, you can trust me." Douglas said."But how do I know that, how do I know , I'm not gonna get hurt again like last time." I said and Douglas cringed when I say 'last time'

"MAD, I promise , You won't get hurt, I love you, Please."Douglas pleaded." I don't know , But I'll think about it." I said he smiled and walked  away.

"Hey Madison." Daisy said entering the room.[ If you don't know thats Donald and Douglas's sister]"What's was that about." She asked.

I took a deep breathe "Douglas proposed." I said.

"What?!" She whisper/yelled. "Well,that's amazing" She said and starts rambling on about a wedding,the dress,more kids.Whoa whoa whoa, don't get your hopes up I said NO." I said

"Really? You don't love him, I thought you gave him another chance." She said." I did, I love him but I don't know if I can trust him." I say.

"Well It's your decision If you love him I'd say yes, But seeing everything that's happened, I don't know, but these guys trust him , that's gotta count for something." She said and I nodded

"Since were talking about being proposed too." She blushed turning a bright red."Thomas proposed!" (That's one of their friends from high school. But MAD calls him Dalton)She exclaimed."But I haven't told anyone  yet so."

"Your secrets safe with me." I promise"So that being said , I'd say  you said yes." She nodded happily.

"SO what are you gonna say to Douglas?" She asked "Your just gonna have to wait and find out." I said.


I met up with Douglas In his room." Hey ." I said entering."I thought about it."I continued" And?" Douglas asked " Yes." I said and a smile appeared on his face and then kissed me for what seemed like hours. I love him so much.

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