Chapter 38

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MAD's cell ^^^ at the top.  Thanks to kaleighbarker , labratsandmore , and kate8800 for commenting on the last chapter.

You're not a monster - Belle Once Upon a Time


Douglas's POV  DBA

My eye flickered open, I roll over and check my phone to see the time. "Fuck,fuck,fuck." I cursed over and over again. I was suppose to say goodbye to MAD 10 minutes ago. I quickly got dressed and ran down stairs.

Why the hell didn't my alarm go off?!

" No,no ,no!" I yelled as I  ran into
The Common Area.

She already left.

"Fuck!" I cursed to myself.

"Hey Douglas, there you are. Where have you been?" Chase  asked. I looked over to see all the kids (Adam,Bree,Chase,Leo,Skylar, Oliver, and Kaz) playing cards at one of the cyber desk. I didn't bother to answer his question.

"Hey Douglas." Donnie said entering the room.

"What the fuck , nobody bother to wake me up to see MAD off." I yelled at everyone.

Donnie was about to yell at me for cussing in front  of the kids but I saw that I was majorly pissed.

"We thought you got in a fight and broke up or something." Donnie shrugged.

"No!... God damn it!" I yell as I punt one of the plastic trash cans.

"Douglas calm the hell down!"  Donnie yells back. "We're talking with the president to get her back she'll be back before you know it." He continued in a calmer, soothing voice.

"You know damn well he's not gonna change his mind unless a miracle happens." I spat out of anger.

I sighed and went to one if the cyber desks and  sat down putting my head I'm my hands.

I'm never gonna see her again. I'm such a god damn idiot. With her gone how am I gonna keep myself In check with her not to tell me she loves me, that I'm a good person , that I'm not a monster. Look I'm already flipping the fuck out and it's been 20 minutes.

Mission Creek Airport.

One of the secret service men gripped my left arm leading me to a plane. "Mr.President where are we going?" I asked a little nervous.

He sighed. "Well your going to a prison in Virginia and Henry's going to Washington State. " he said.

"We're not going to the same place?" Henry asked. "No your to dangerous to be together, now say your goodbyes." The President said. 

I realized we stopped walking and we're now beside two jumbo jets. I grabbed Henry and engulfed him in a hug letting tears run down my face. "I just got you back now I'm gonna lose you again." I cried more into his shoulder.

"I could say the same to you." He joked. 

I laughed but those laughs turned into cries.

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