Chapter 31

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I woke up wrapped in Douglas's arms, I snuggled in closer, we lay there for a few more minutes until the alarm goes off. It's almost noon we been sleeping almost all day. Douglas groans and rolls over and turns off the alarm. He turns back over and rubs his eyes. He opens then to come face to face with me,he smiles.  I snuggles back into his chest trying to go back to sleep. "MAD" He coos.

"What?" I grumble.

"We have to get up."

"No, I don't wanna." I said child like.

" MAD. We have to it's almost noon."

"Why can't we just stay like this" I said and snuggled more into him

"God I wish we could, but we can't." He said.

"Fine." I growl. We both get up and get dressed and go to the hydro loop entrance room.

"Goodmorning." David said, he sits and one of the console with Donna sitting next to him.

"Well it was till I had to come down here." I said but they ignored my comment.

Almost on cue. Donald screams at the top of his lungs. We see him run in painting before he said. " in....labor." He breathes his words.

"I thought she wasn't do for another 2 weeks?" Douglas asked.

"She was,but she went into labor a few hours ago. I've gotta go to the hospital." He freaks.

"Mom, Dad will you stay here with the kids." They nod " MAD,Douglas I want you at the hospital with me."

"Why?"I asked.

"I've never had a kid.I'm already  freaked out as it is." We nod ad rush to the hospital. 

We ran up to the main desk. "Hi,excuse me, my wife went into labor a few hours ago." Donald said. "Who's your wife?" The lady asked. "Tasha Davenport." She types on the computer then points us to her room. But before she  does that she stops and tells us that only the father can be in the room. We ran off to the room and me and Douglas sit at some chairs outside of it. 

"He reminds me of you." I said.

"What?"he asked.

"He reminds me of you when I was in labor with Daniel."

"Oh yeah I was freaking out, I mean technically It was our first kid. I was freaking out not just because about you being in labor but about being a good father for this child."

"You are a good father." I assure him.

"Yeah right." He scoffed.

"You are,you may not be the perfect father , but you are one," he smiles



Donna's POV

After Donald, Douglas and Madison left for the hospital. Me and David sat at one of the consoles sipping on our coffee. "Did any one else hear a little girl scream?" Leo asked as he walked in as the other kids followed behind him. (Adam, Bree, Chase, Daniel, Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar)

David chuckled. "That was Donald."

"Eh same difference." He said. And we both laughed.

"Why was he screaming?" Skylar asked.

"Tasha went into labor a few ago, MAD and Douglas went with him." I said.

"Wait moms having the baby?" Leo asked.

"Well she hasn't had the baby yet, but we'll let you know when." David said.

" I wanted to be with mom when it happened." Leo pouted.

"Well I didn't wanna stay here and baby sit,life's full of disappointments." David said and I slapped his arm.

"Well what are we gonna do, while there gone?" Bree asked.

"I don't care." David said with a tude. I hit his arm again.

"Ow, stop doing that." He said while hold his arm where I hit it.

"Stop being a smart ass." I whispered so the kids wouldn't hear, but they did and stared to laugh.

"Great another MAD and Douglas." Chase mumbled sarcastically.

I don't act like MAD. Do it? And plus I think David acts like Donald.


That night

We have been here forever I lost track of time. Finally Donald came out of the room.
"Come guys I want you to meet her."

We nodded and walked in. We saw Tasha holding a little pink bundle in her hands. "Awe she's adorable, what's her name?" I asked. " Naomi." Donald answered.

The doctor walked over to us. "We need to run some test on the mommy and the baby to see if everything's okay."

"Are they okay?" Donald asked worried.

"Oh yes it's just the rules just in case something is. So if you don't mind stepping outside, the father you can stay." The doctor said.

We nodded and stepped outside. Donald peeked outta the room. "Hey MAD if you want you can go home, but Douglas can you stay?"Donald asked.

"Yeah I'll stay." Douglas said.

"Yeah I'm probably gonna head out." I said. I hugged them goodbye. I stepped outside it was already dark,it was about 930. I get into the car and head toward the academy. I had been driving for about 5 minutes. Until my phone buzzed. I looked down to check my phone to see who it is. My Focus flickers between the road and my phone. It was Douglas ' I love you 🖤' it said. I smile, my eyes flicked back up to the road to see and car zooming toward me next thing I new everything went black.
Oh cliffhanger. I hope u like the chapter. But I still need more questions for the Q&A so ask away.

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