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hey everybody I have some bad news and some good news well the bad news is I am discontinuing an old friend mostly cause I don't have time and there's not a lot of interest for it. I have no ideas to keep The story going i'm really sorry but the good news is I wrote a new story you need to go check it out it's called escape it's for my Once Upon A Time fans and my Robert Carlyle fans it's an alternate universe story. But most importantly it is very very mature so don't read it and less you're absolutely ready for it I only have one chapter of right now but I'm working on the second chapter and I already have a pretty good idea of where I'm headed and I think this one would be a better thing to continue on and by the way you might I'm not sure but you might have to follow me before you can read it but if you don't follow me anyway. Sorry if my wording is weird I'm using the speech to text thingy. But I'm really sorry about this and I didn't really think the story was going to go anywhere because nobody was commenting and not a lot of people were reading it or staying with me but I do thank everyone who voted and or commented on this story and I'm so grateful for the people that stay with me to the beginning. And I hope you will read the new book. And comment if you read an old friend. Just let me know that you're there basically. If you never seen once upon a time since it is an alternate universe it might not throw you off as much as it would but you should still go watch once upon a time and read the book but as I said before please keep in mi that it's very very mature and only read it if you like it. After all of that I am sad to say goodbye but thank you so much everyone that stuck with me through it all I love you guys and goodbye


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