Chapter 49

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The picture above is Allison she is played by Alyvia Alyn Lind. Also I know it's been like a billion years but at this point I'm writing this for myself. Anyway here's the new chapter.

*Madison's POV*

"Douglas!" I screamed after him begging him not to leave as he jolted out to the parking lot. He grabbed the door to the car trying to open it but I stopped him. He slowly look up at me. The look on his face was indescribable almost a look of annoyance. "Don't leave." I said.

"This time...I'm not leaving, you are. I want you out of my house." He said try to step in the car but I stopped him again. "What?" My voice broke. "What about last night? I love you. I thought you loved me back. I thought we were working things out?"

"Well apparently you can sleep with someone without loving them you should know that." My jaw dropped and my heart fell out of my chest. "You know what the bad thing about it was? For a second I believed you! For a second I believed you when you said she was mine!"

"I'm s-sorry....I-I thought-" I said tears streaming down my face.

"Well you thought wrong. I want you out by tonight." He said cutting me off and stepping into the car slamming the door. A few seconds later he sped out of the parking lot.

I couldn't take it I dropped to the ground crying my eyes out.

"MAD?" I heard Donald call my name. "What's going on?"

"Are you happy now? You got what you wanted she yours." I said shoving past him.

"What? No this isn't what I wanted. Now there's no chance of Tasha and Leo coming back. God Dammit!" He yelled.

I sat down on a bench right beside the front door defeated. Donald joined me soon after his little rage.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked.

"I don't know I'll guess I'll call dad-"

"I want him to tank the case." I said blankly.

"What?" He said in shock.

"She can stay with Lisa, Tasha doesn't have to know. At least there she'll have a stable family, instead of taking her from the only home she's ever know." He seemed on board with the idea.

"What about you?"He asked concerned.

"I'm gonna go back home and live at moms house."


"I've made up my mind. I'm going home."

"What about the kids. They love you you can't just leave when you just got here." He said trying to persuade me to stay.

"We both know it's better this way. It's the only way if you want to get Tasha, Leo, and Naomi back."

He didn't speak he just stayed silent. He knew I was right. For a minute we just stared out into the skyline. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "Me too."

"MAD?" He said and I took that as a sign to leave before the conversation takes a turn for the worst.
I quickly stood up and he called my name again and grabbed my wrist before I could get away. "MAD, wait."

"I gotta go. See ya around. " I said and quickly super sped away. As far away as I could. It's about time I went home.


They house looked different but though it wasn't. It was exactly how I left it, exactly how I remember it but just so...different. I felt different. I sat on the couch staring blankly at the wall. I couldn't move, my whole body felt numb. It's what I deserved I didn't deserve to feel anything ever again.

The screen door slamming shut popped me outta my thoughts but I still couldn't move and continued to sit there, numb.

"Hey." Katie said with a hint of surprise.

"Hey." I whispered but didn't move an inch.

*3rd Person POV*

"What are you doing back?" Katie said dropping her keys on the counter and grabbing a water from the fridge. "I thoughts you be at your house with Dr. Frankenstein." She laughs with her back turned.

Madison sat there emotionless not moving or even breathing.

"What no come back? No outrage? Did you hit your head or something?" She laughs again turning around to inspect Madison.

She walks closer to Madison, grabs her shoulder, and says  "Madison? Are you just gonna ignore me and keep sitting there like a zombie?"

Madison falls to the floor and lays there unconscious and not breathing.

"Madison!" Katie gasps as she tries to wake MAD.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" She exclaims running to get her phone.

"Oh fuck what's his number?" Katie then realizes that the only person that has his number is Madison. She diggings through Madison's pocket and pulls out her phone.  She finds the contact labeled 'Douglas' and doesn't think twice before dialing.

"Come on! come on! come on!..." the phone ring three times before Douglas picker up. "Finally!" Katie exclaims.

"MAD. I thought I made my self clear..." Douglas said before Katie cut him off.

"This isn't Madison it's Katie. Wait, made yourself clear about what? Oh nevermind, I don't care! Somethings wrong with Madison."

"What?" Douglas says with shock in his voice.

"She unconscious on the floor and she's not breathing!" Katie exasperated.

"What?" He says louder but with worry in his voice instead. "You need you get her to the academy as soon as possible.

Before Douglas could finish that sentence, Katie geo-leaped to the island with Madison in her arms.  She sets her on one of the console and is surrounded by Adam, Bree, Chase, and Donald.

"What's wrong with her?" Chase asked rushing to her. "I don't know shes unconscious and not breathing." Katie answered.

"How long has she been like this?" Donald asked.

"2 maybe 3 minutes. I didn't know what else to do." Katie said on the brink of tears.

While Donald did his best to care for MAD. Chase ran a status report on her chip. The piece of bionics that attached to her cerebral cortex is run and monitored through the same system her bionic chip is run through. This means when her chip is offline so is she. "We didn't do any reboot. It must of been shut off remotely but that doesn't make any sense." Chase said.

"Fucking Douglas!" He cursed. "I can't believe he do that to her! Can you get her back online?" Donald continued as Douglas entered the academy through the hydra loop.

"Working on it!" Chase said 

"How could you do this!?" Donald hissed at Douglas. "Look I know we're all upset but you didn't need to do this!"

"What? What are you talking about do what?"
Douglas said with a confused look on his face. "What's wrong with her?"

Madison suddenly gasped awake. Coughing and gasping, trying hard to catch her breathe as best as you could. A lot of them didn't realize Madison had or has asthma so she had trouble catching her breathe and when that happened she started to freak out because she couldn't breathe.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. It's okay just breathe." Douglas said rushing over to her to hold her.

"In." Douglas breaths in

"And out." Douglas breaths out.

Douglas and Madison continue this until she's breathing normally again. Madison has a death grip on Douglas's arm.

"What the hell." Madison said jumping up when she realized where she was and who was holding her.

"What did you do? What the hell did you do!?" Madison yelled at Katie.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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